No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Off to the Nebulas Tonight

Posted By on May 12, 2007

This was sort of last minute for us and we had to weigh some other stuff that happened this week to see if we were going but tonight Peter and I are going to attend the Nebulas. It will be nice to attend a function where we can talk to other adults. Also a number of people we know are going to be there so we will be able to catch up with them.

But before we do that, there is going to be at least a trip to the playground today. The weather is beautiful and just perfect to let Caroline romp outside to her hearts content (or when we have to leave for the Nebs).

Peter and Ariel got a mention on for FNSM #20 and Kelly Kulick’s participation in the comic. It is a nice article.


I am hard at work on my Doctor Who story for a Big Finish anthology along with a doll swap I am participating in so I am keeping busy.

I am grateful for functions that allow me to catch up with friends.


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