No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Tales from the Center

Posted By on September 27, 2004

For the record I so know that it is spelled vise not vice. I was making a bad joke. I like polar fleece because it is the closest to flocked material I am going to get anytime soon.

Caroline went with Peter to the Mets vs. Cubs game yesterday. I stayed at home and worked on a couple of projects. She had a lot of fun at the game with her daddy. She watched the game and clapped with the rest of the fans. It was a low scoring game so there was less clapping than a high scoring game. The seats were in the shade and, with the breeze, it was very comfortable for them.

I was thinking about the time I worked at the Center for Puppetry Arts in Atlanta. One of the must visit sites there. They have a nice museum and shows for both kids and adults. I work on one of the renovation projects. The Center is located in an old school. They found asbestos wrap on the heating pipes.

We had to pack up all the puppets in the museum and get them into storage before the renovations. One of the puppets we had was a puppet that was found on the steps of the Center one morning. It came with a note asking the center to take care of this string puppet. They were tired of hearing it walk around their apartment dragging its control behind it. They suggested we put it under glass to keep it from walking around. The puppet resided in the collection confined to a display case and we had a good story to tell visitors.

The museum director and I took the case off the puppet with its right foot up and left foot down. We packed a few other things before calling it a night. I shut down the museum and then set my code into the security system. We walked out and went home for a few hours sleep.

The next morning I got there and waited for the museum director to show up since the rule was that two people had to be in the building at all times. There were concerns about safety issues for the area at the time. She unlocked the door and I went and punched in my access code. We went up stairs to the museum. I looked at the haunted puppet. Left foot up and right foot down. A chill went through my spine. I called the museum director into the room. She said Ha Ha very funny. I told her I hadn


One Response to “Tales from the Center”

  1. EClark1849 says:

    “For the record I so know that it is spelled vise not vice. I was making a bad joke. I like polar fleece because it is the closest to flocked material I am going to get anytime soon.”

    For the record, I know you did and so was I.

    Spooky story. Guess you have an alternative theory for what happened to that puppet body the other day, right?