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Kathleen David's weblog

Costumes, Music, and Fallen Angel

Posted By on June 29, 2004

As you have probably guess, we changed the system a bit. Contrary to popular rumors it was not at all due to one individual but a series of unfortunant events that led us here. So bear with us as we sort out the site for a bit.

One costume down and 4 to go in the great race to Shoreleave. I have another cut out and with luck will be finishing that one today. By the end of the week I hope to have 4 out of 5 done. If I get 3 out of 5 done by Saturday, I’ll be happy. Just gots to keep at it.

In music news, I found out that a band that was one of my first CDs when I was younger has a new album out and I am intrigued enough to want to get the new album by


4 Responses to “Costumes, Music, and Fallen Angel”

  1. Jim says:

    Good luck with the costumes, I am sure you will do it.

  2. Mariann says:

    Now you have me seriously considering Shore Leave so I can see your finished costumes! 🙂

  3. Elayne Riggs says:

    Just in case you have to register commenters, I’m leaving a comment. 🙂

  4. Pascal says:

    Can you give us a direct link to the trade review? I can’t find it on 🙁