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Kathleen David's weblog

RTBTCKI Sunny Sunday in January

Posted By on January 26, 2020

Facebook has a function that let’s one look back over the years to what one wrote on a particular day. I was looking at today’s and found that most years, seven out of ten, this day has been about taking care of snow fall and icy conditions. Today we have sunshine and a temperature of 39 degrees Fahrenheit. Not warm but warmer than usual for the time of year.

Today I trek to LaGuardia to pick up Peter. For those who don’t know, LaGuardia is a big construction mess with no parking and lots of ways to get lost quickly. The signage is there but if you are in the wrong lane then you are SOL. 

That takes care of this morning.

I am leaving what I am going to do for the afternoon rather loose because I have no idea when we will get back. 

The cats are not happy with me. We ran out of the wet food that I feed them in the morning. So I have been followed around and two of them herded me into the kitchen to look at an empty dish. I will rectify that this afternoon and they will be happy with me again.

I am grateful for happy cats.


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