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Kathleen David's weblog

Rest In Peace Bobby Box

Posted By on January 22, 2020

I met Bobby at the Center for Puppetry Arts in the early 90s. There was something we recognized in each other that made us insta-friends. 

I lost track of him after I moved to New York but found him on Facebook where we caught up on each other’s lives. He had married his husband Graham by that point and I had married Peter and brought Caroline into the world.

Bobby was at his heart a passionate creative person. 

His work at the Center for Puppetry Arts was amazing. I loved the shows he created for both children and adults. He mentored a lot people at the Center. He was always helpful with ideas and willing to listen to ideas. Today Facebook is full of puppeteers he helped over the years singing his praises.

He was a body builder. He sculpted his body with iron and sweat. He was a trainer for a while. He was my go-to about weights and exercise. He had an intuition for what would work. On his birthday he would take a topless photo with his age to show where he was in his exercise journey. He said it kept him honest. 

He and Graham loved each other very much. It was obvious in every photo. They loved their dogs too. They were that cute couple that everyone knew were crazy in love with each other.

He lived and loved life. 

I will miss our conversation and smart-ášš remarks to each other. I will miss his advice on puppetry and exercise. I will miss his laugh which could fill a room.

Rest in Peace Bobby, know you were loved and appreciated by many.

My sympathies to his husband Graham, his family and friends.

This one hurts.

I am grateful I had Bobby in my life.


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