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Kathleen David's weblog

Crafty Tuesday Is there an App for that?

Posted By on January 21, 2020

I have been looking for a way to organize what I need to do on my various projects. I have been looking at a lot of apps and paper ideas on how to track things.

I have looked at Bullet journal and Flow and half a dozen other methods of organizing projects.

There are some fundamentals that go through all these methods, but each has its system.

Caroline likes cosplanner for her costumes and projects and it works for her.

I have come to the conclusion that I do best with paper and pen rather than on the computer or in an app. 

A lot of what I work on I tend to keep in my head but that only works so far before there are problems. I still plan the project out in my head but I now write down the steps and check to see if I am ahead, behind or on time.

The advantage to that is I can see where I am underestimating the amount of time it takes to do a step in my process and where I got stuck. That helps me figure out the time needed next time to execute the idea. 

I have a new notebook that is laid out the way I need to keep track of various things. I can add or subtract as needed. This also allows me to make lists of materials needed that I take a photo of when I go shopping. I can also put photo reference in there. 

I do have a copy of Cosplanner, Flow, and Bullet Journal on my iPad. I use them on occasion but now want to figure out ways of using each one for when I don’t have paper and an idea strikes. 

I think part of this year will be moving from paper to app but if it doesn’t work, I always have a sheet of paper and a pen to write things down.

Having written down my next couple of projects and project ideas, I need to execute them in a timely fashion. 

And that is my current challenge to myself.

I am grateful for apps that help rather than the apps that distract.


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