No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

I am drawing a blank

| January 31, 2020

Each morning when I wake up I go through the day and what I want to do. This gives my body some time to wake up. I stretch various parts to make sure they are in good order and I don’t have something I need to compensate for.  I woke up this morning and found […]

RTBTCKI I had a Hat…

| January 30, 2020

There is an episode of Dinosaurs entitled ‘When Food Goes Bad’. In it the parents go out on a date leaving the kids home alone for the first time since Granny went to the casino. These are Dinosaurs so the appetizer is a live mammal looking thing. At one point, Earl puts the appetizer in […]

RTBTCKI Half-Way through this week

| January 29, 2020

I would call yesterday a success in my books. By the end of the day I got done what I needed to do and a few other side projects that I have been trying to get to.  I am hoping to keep the momentum going today. I have a plan and I know what interruptions […]

Crafty Tuesday When One’s Muse takes a Coffee Break

| January 28, 2020

There comes a point in every creative person’s life where it feels like the spark that drives their work becomes a dull ember.  It can be for a million different reasons. Re-sparking can be easy or hard depending on circumstance. I had a creative drought or rather an execution drought after Peter’s stroke. I had […]

Monday Morning Musings Mindfulness

| January 27, 2020

Mindfulness (noun)- a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique. It is funny when you find a word for something you have been doing most of your life. I called it being in the here and […]