No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

RTBTCKI I have tried it one way, now trying the other

Posted By on November 27, 2017

My mind is a bit of a mush these days. I was not posting for various reasons including a lack of energy towards writing that I can trace to about a year ago. So that’s one year that has seen me write every little. Doesn’t help me finish any of the projects I have started. There have been some outside factors that haven’t helped at all. So having spent sometime sorting things out, I think writing here is probably going to help me more than not writing here.

Doesn’t mean that I plan a lengthy essay each day. I am not giving myself a word count to reach. But I need to do something to shake things loose at the beginning of the day and this space is probably one of the best places for it being mine and mine alone.)

So welcome or welcome back to that random word generator that is my brain.

I still haven’t found a good way to post photos since Photobucket decided to start charging me a lot of money to post things on the Internet. I know that within the programs I can add photos and the like but I like typing this once and posting it in the various places that I post.

I also need to work out a place to post my puppetry photos and start that up. I had a tumblr but it became too unwieldy for me to handle and it is not the best platform for this sort of thing. Any ideas?

Today I am cleaning and working on Aquaman for Martin which is waaaaay overdue and he will get his puppet before the new year. I keep fiddling with it trying to make it better and at some point I have to let the work speak for itself and give it to him.

Tomorrow I will hold myself accountable for today.

I am grateful for when I can follow through on a good idea.


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