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Kathleen David's weblog

Frankenstorm Day 2

Posted By on October 30, 2012

Although we are on the back end of it. The wind is much less than it was yesterday. We have lots of little limbs all over the lawn along with some larger ones. We have sunshine but that is with dark clouds rolling through. The wind is our biggest concern right now even though it is diminished.

We awoke to the sound of the generator going so we knew that the power was out. That and the cable were not working this morning. Both were back by 10:00AM.

We are fine. Others not so much. I have a couple of friends who are sorting out their homes right now. I ask for your good thoughts and prayers for them and swift recovery.

It was scary last night. The house shook in the wind. We heard trees cracking.

This morning we have the chorus of chainsaws. You can get up and down our street. I am seeing lots of cars doing so. We are a main drag for fire and rescue so we get cleared out pretty fast.

We were lucky that we didn’t get rain that they predicted which I think helped with the trees.

Like I said before, we still have some wind whipping through here so we are playing it carefully here. We aren’t planning on going anywhere today.

Be safe everyone.

I am grateful that we came through this storm as well as we did.


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