No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Caroline’s 7th Birthday Party is in 3 days

Posted By on December 2, 2009

I managed to get half the living room spotless including the dreaded moving of the couches to see what had started to live under there. Today I want to finish the living room and get downstairs bathroom cleaned up and the kitchen floor mopped. I am quite proud that I got a lot of the paper out the door for recycling today.

The small spanner in the works is that Caroline has half days for the next two days due to teacher conferences. So she gets home before noon. But my wonderful husband is going to spend the afternoon with her. They have errands to run and they are going to have lunch together. Caroline is very happy that she is going to have some time with just her and Daddy. Tomorrow we have a conference with her teacher about her progress. I think she is doing fine but I guess I’ll find out more tomorrow.

It is hard for me to believe that Caroline is going to be turning 7. I can remember so much of the beginning of her life. I remember the day she was born. I remember bring her home from the hospital. I remember holding her and humming until she went to sleep. I remember her first step. I remember her time at Mommy and Me which she loved. I remember all her Halloween costumes. Her first word was Mama followed by Dada. I can remember taking her outside in the spring and watching her experience outside. She loved soap bubbles from her first experience of them outside. I can remember watching her figure things out for herself and creating her version of how the world works. I know it has almost been 7 years but it seems like both a blink of an eye and forever.

I am grateful for all the time I have spent with Caroline.


2 Responses to “Caroline’s 7th Birthday Party is in 3 days”

  1. Khendon says:

    I remember Caroline over the years – first as the little one at Snowpoint so many years ago… now seeing her selling her pictures next to Daddy in various dealer’s rooms…

  2. Khendon says:

    I remember seeing Caroline at Snowpoint… then growing up to where she is selling her pictures next to Daddy in various dealer’s rooms…

    Pretty soon, she’ll be old enough that Keith DeCandido will have to be paying for her college years…