No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

DiscWorld Day 3: Yeah Progess Boo No Pictures

| March 27, 2009

There has been progress and I am moving forward. However my card reader has totally given up the ghost so I need to find my camera cable for the camera that I am using to download the pictures into the computer which, of course, has vanished from the last place I though I put it. […]

DiscWorld Day 2: Pictures later today I think

| March 26, 2009

Sometime getting the project to a point that I want to show it can take longer than I think it will. Add the usual signal to noise that is life and it seems to only take longer. I have it in my head all worked out including Greebo. Today I need to get it out […]

DiscWorld Dolls Day 1: Not much Progress made

| March 25, 2009

Most of what I did yesterday was gather materials and go through my extensive fabric stash for things I thought would work for the costumes. What I can’t find is my box of polymer clays that I wanted to use. I did find my armature wire and the various things I need to build a […]

Mysterious Doll Project is not so Mysterious

| March 24, 2009

But first Heroes, wasn’t it nice to see Hiro ask like a Hero again? Peter’s comment, not a good episode for Blonds was it? I like that I want to watch that show again rather than I am watching it out of a sense of duty. I am part of this doll challenge that is […]

RTBTCKI (Post-LunaCon 2009 Edition)

| March 23, 2009

It is funny. You get use to things and when they change you realize how much you have gotten use to them. This weekend I realized how much better I sleep when I am with my husband. I fell asleep pretty fast but staying asleep was not in the cards. Last night I curled up […]