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Kathleen David's weblog

DiscWorld Dolls Day 1: Not much Progress made

Posted By on March 25, 2009

Most of what I did yesterday was gather materials and go through my extensive fabric stash for things I thought would work for the costumes. What I can’t find is my box of polymer clays that I wanted to use. I did find my armature wire and the various things I need to build a body.

I might take a picture of the fabrics I chose. I want to get a lot more done today. I did find the perfect set of boots for Granny. I have found everyone’s hair which can be the hard part.

Caroline was in a very huggy mood this morning. She would come up and give me a hug and tell me how much she loves me. When I put her to the bus, she makes sure I give her a hug and a kiss before she gets on the bus. She tells me that she loves me and then goes off to school.

I have some thoughts about some various things that are going on out there on the Internet. Probably by the time I get my thoughts in some sort of order, all this will be old news and forgotten. Short version, I’m betting someone is getting a C&D letter today along with all the lovely paperwork that goes with it. I have thoughts about some of the not so nice behavior at LunaCon which go to thoughts I have been having about conventions as a whole. Fandom some times surprises me but most of the time it seems to be more of the same just faster because of the Internet.

I am grateful for bodies progressing.


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