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Kathleen David's weblog

RTBTCKI (Post-LunaCon 2009 Edition)

Posted By on March 23, 2009

It is funny. You get use to things and when they change you realize how much you have gotten use to them. This weekend I realized how much better I sleep when I am with my husband. I fell asleep pretty fast but staying asleep was not in the cards. Last night I curled up with Peter and dropped off pretty quickly. The next thing I knew I heard Ariel turning off the alarm before leaving for school. It was a deep sleep and I awoke this morning with a bit of a sinus headache which I can trace back to the hotel but more rested than I have been in a while. It’s different if he is out of town since I am in our bed so there is the familiar there.

Caroline had a blast yesterday at the Gazillion Bubble Show with her father and Ariel. She told me all about it in a rather rapid fire patter as she tried to catch me up on what happened to her while I was gone. They had a very nice day in the city and they had nice weather to go with it.

I did a number of panels yesterday on a variety of topics that all had time travel as a part of the discussion. I had a good set of fellow panelists on each and all. I find that I like explaining how some of the nuts and bolts of putting together a TV series or a movie so people have a better idea what goes on to bring them the entertainment that they love. So a shout out to my fellow panelists, you were all wonderful. Thank you especially those who were on panels I was the moderator of.

My one un-spoiler comment about BSG finally, the more I think about it the more I think it should have ended at the first blackout not the second. It was cute but I think that it allowed the audience too much time to basically dismiss what you did for the previous 4 years. But that’s me. Peter is having a good discussion going on at his website about Battlestar Galatica ( if you want to join in there. I’m asking here for carefully worded answers for about another week to let people catch up.

I sold two puppets in the art show. I know they are going to a good home and will help people, which makes me feel good about selling them. The art show was excellent. Andrea and her crew don’t get enough kudos for what they do in that show. It has come down to being expected that this show would be run this well. It was lovely to have so much original art in the show. I liked being able to look at brush strokes on the oil painting and admire the vibrancy of the watercolors that are lost as prints or digital reproductions of the original art. There was also some excellent digital art for sale as well. I got to catch up with a lot of artists I admire. I learned about some new materials that are on the market or about to come on the market. It was very educational.

Today I am going to put away the stuff I packed on Friday and have a go at cleaning up the living room. Maybe I’ll get some creative stuff in there as well. First I have to deal with my sinus headache and the pressure behind my eyeballs.

I am grateful to everyone I got to talk to this weekend. I had a great time y’all.


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