No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Memorial Day 2007

Posted By on May 28, 2007

On this day we remember our fallen soldiers or some of the country does. Most of the rest are glad for another day off and all the good sales that kick in that weekend. For many it is the beginning of the summer schedule at work so that they have longer weekends. For us it means that we have a lot more traffic both foot and motor in our town from now until Labor Day when we go back to the usual work schedule.

But I want to take a moment to thank those who have relatives that have died for our country. I was watching “Gene Simmons: Family Jewels” in passing to another channel. He was talking to an older man in a VA hospital and thanking him for what the gentleman had done for his country. The man said, “Freedom isn’t free. You have to work for it.” And that is very true. Those who died for what they believed in or for the country that they loved helped to maintain those freedoms that we enjoy to this day.

I haven’t many relatives that are in the armed forces. Most of them were conscripted in the draft. I do have friends who have served/are serving in the Armed Forces. I also have friends who have lost children and grandchildren while those young-uns served in the Armed Forces. To them I offer my sympathies and my gratitude.

Freedom isn’t free. And we need to work to preserve it for all. To those who have fallen in battle, this day is yours and I salute you. I’m going off to put up our American flag today to honor them.

I am grateful to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice so I can be free.


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