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Kathleen David's weblog


Posted By on May 27, 2007

Peter and I had a very nice day yesterday. We gave each other presents that the other appreciated. We had a fine dinner and a fun time. We also saw Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End. Short un-spoiler review before the cut and lots of spoilers post cut and in the comment. Ye have been warned.

Over all a good finish to the series. If they never do another pirate movie with Jack Sparrow I think it would not be a bad thing. The cast did another first rate job. I had forgotten how much I missed Barbossa and Geoffrey Rush until this film. He is the king of the eye roll. It was a nice tie up of all the loose ends from the previous film and some of the stuff that made little to no sense in the previous film now makes total sense.

It does need to be seen on the big screen. The scope of it especially when they are on the high seas really needs that size screen. There is also a lot happening in the corners.

So I give it 4 out of 5 Arrrrhs

I am grateful that we had such a nice day yesterday.

OK, I really don’t have a problem with the fate of Will and Elizabeth. I found it much more poignant than “They live happily ever after.” Plus the capper after the credits made it all worth sitting through the credits.

I love that we see Jack at the end of these three films exactly where we saw him at the beginning. I also love the view into Jack’s mind with the multi-Jacks (ala Malcovich).

Tia Dalma kind of bugged me in the pervious movie because she seems to have all the answers to anyone’s question. But knowing that it was a goddess trapped in a human body, everything she does and knows makes more sense. Including bringing Barbossa back from the dead since he had one of the “nine objects we just happen to have in our pockets at the time”.

Chow Yun-Fat was under utilized in the film. I know that he had to die to move the plot along but you think they might find away of doing it while fighting since he is such a kick-ášš fighter. He did a good job with what they gave him.

As did Keith Richards, who under played the role very well. He was fun to watch and since we all knew who his character was, it gave additional pleasure in seeing Jack’s reaction to his father and his father to him. “How’s Mum?” was just the perfect capper to that scene.

Cutter Becket’s comeuppance was brilliantly done and having him walk down the stairs with his world collapsing all around him was skillfully done (Yeah I know it was CGI but it was a great image). Norrington’s death was very sad and like the Governor’s necessary to move Elizabeth along. All the men in her life died in this film. Her attachments are gone allows her to do what needs to be done.

It bugs me the Kraken was killed between films. I think I would rather see the scene where Becket forces Jones to kill it than the hanging scene at the beginning.

I did love that when they went into the Locker that we heard things from the ride in the pause. Peter and I thought for a split second they were going to show up on the ride at Disney when the screen came back.

Over all I had a great time and I look forward to seeing it again.


2 Responses to “Pirates!”

  1. MasonK says:

    …capper after the credits?

    I’m… going to have to go see the whole movie again, then, am I?

  2. Luigi Novi says:

    Wow, you saw it twice, Kathleen? 🙂