No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

The Street Gang

Posted By on January 23, 2022

There is a fascinating documentary on HBO about the creation of Sesame Street entitled The Street Gang.

I knew most of what they talked about; however, I did learn some new things and it was worth it for the Muppet antics.

For Christmas, Peter got me the Sesame Street Lego that I have been coveting since it was announced. It’s my next build project for Lego. I have a Baker Street to do as well then onto the three NASA related boxes.

I watched Sesame Street from the beginning because I had a younger brother and sister who were the target audience. I love it on so many levels.

That was really my introduction to the Muppets. 

I know they were on SNL for a season and what happened there is another essay in itself. I was too young for SNL at the time also it was waaaay past my bedtime.

The Tales from Muppetland was a favorite for me that that time, 

With the Muppets show, I was introduced to a more adult version of the Muppets and I loved them.

The Dark Crystal blew my mind by showing me what could be done with puppets. The immersive world I could believe was taken on another planet. All the little things and puppets in the corners just made it that much better.

Then there is Labyrinth which changed my world. I was already a Bowie fan because of his music but this turned me into a super fan. Again, I was taken by the complete world building. I just loved everything about it. Years later I was lucky enough to score some props from the movie included a battle used goblin axe, the prototype for the axes, and one of the masks used in the ballroom scene.

I loved the Muppet movies as well. The opening of the Muppet Movie still makes me tear up. 

Fraggle Rock is why my parents got the premium channel HBO in the very early days of cable. I enjoyed the interaction between our world and the Fraggles. Uncle Traveling Matt, whose name still makes me smile, was a fun way of showing how our world would look to another species. They tackled some tough social subjects head on.

One of my personal favorites was the Storyteller which then became part of the Jim Henson hour. The use of puppetry to tell old fairy tales is a thing of beauty.

Jim passed in 1990. I was up at Yale in my third year and working on my thesis.

That Jim passed didn’t stop the Muppets.

A year later we were introduced to the prehistoric Dinosaurs. It hit all the right buttons for me. Some of my favorites were “When food goes bad” (Episode 7 in Season 2) and “A New Leaf” (Episode 17 Season 2) where they had one of the best PSA at the end which boiled down to “Don’t do drugs so we don’t have to do stupid shows about drug use and how it is bad for you”

The next try at a new Version of The Muppet Show was entitled Muppets Tonight which almost but not quite there. The last try Muppets Now was much closer.

We also had Emmet Otter, The Ghost of Faffner Hall and others.

My favorite AJ (After Jim) show was Farscape which was a slick science fiction series about an astronaut John Crichton who obtains faster than light travel and ends up joining up with a rag tag much of rebels fighting the peacekeepers and hilarity ensues.

Over the years I have become friends with a lot of Muppeteers and have heard many great stories about how the different shows worked. I have learned from them a lot of how they built the Muppets and I have a group of go to people I can ask questions of.

I miss Jim and Jane and Richard and Jerry and so many others I have met who have passed.

I am grateful that I met them and got to hear their stories and wisdom.

A Madding World

Posted By on January 22, 2022

I was in the CVS picking up some prescriptions when I heard a disturbance behind me. A customer started shouting that they were not going to wear a mask and here was their vaccine card proving that they had all their shots. When informed that this came from the governor of NY, there was another rant about doing the right thing and paying for it because others won’t do the right thing. The manager tried to calm the customer down, but they stormed out of the CVS vowing never to return.  I then watched the same person come through the drive through with no mask.

I agree with their argument that I am doing everything right and I am getting screwed by those who are not.

However, I do follow the mask rules and wash my hands once an hour at work.

One does not call a grown man “boy” unless the individual is their son or grandson. Yes, I live in the North not the South, but I still hear it especially when a group wants to intimidate and belittle another group.

Americans are Americans no matter what their Fill-In-Blank-here-that-a-minority-have-a-problem-with. Moscow Mitch can say he screwed up and meant to say all Americans a thousand times over. His white robes were showing. That was not a slip of the tongue but how he really sees America. 

I am getting mad at certain people in Congress who have made themselves ‘important’ by making stupid decisions that have been a detriment to the USA as a whole. Also stalling legislation to counter voter suppression and would help a majority of the citizens they care to claim to care about. They are in it for themselves and those who donate so they can be re-elected. I am thinking term limits might be a good thing but will never get passed. I am also in favor of term limits on the Supreme Court.

We are heading towards a doctorship that certain individuals want because they love power more than the people. 

We almost had one election stolen but that was the trial balloon for what works and doesn’t work. They are just going to try harder to remain in power as long as they can. They know the handwriting on the wall is there and unless they can unlawfully take control, the power will shift back into the hands of the people.

I have a friend who does wild animal rescue. She was interviewed on NPR about her job and the problem of people dumping animals in the parks figuring they would survive. 

A pet is a commitment. One must take responsibility for them. That means feeding, watering, and dealing with whatever they use as a bathroom. Some need to be walked regularly and giving room to run. Vet visits to keep them healthy and shots are needed too. 

Two of our cats found us by landing on our doorstep. The other two were from rescue shelters and have a very good life here. I must clean the cat boxes, make sure they have food and water, and places to hide and sleep.

I could go on but I have a day planned with my husband.

I am grateful for people who do the right thing even when it is hard.

RTBTCKI Messages from the frozen North-East

Posted By on January 16, 2022

To everyone at ChattaCon, I hope y’all are having fun and please get home safely.

Sean did have a party, but you had to be vaccinated and take a rapid COVID test before coming into the room.

I will always remember the Pirate Party where you had to fight your way to the bar and if Sean needed ice, he would have someone walk the plank. The plank had wheels and a rope to pull it. People fought for the privilege.

There have been many parties since with various themes. I have enjoyed the ones I was able to attend.

Yes.  Boy Howdy is it cold up here. Sixteen degrees Fahrenheit with a wind chill factor it is close to Zero again. 

Later today we get wind and cold rain which goes into Monday.

Fortunately, we go above freezing the rest of the week. Unloading the truck is going to be a bit on the chilly side.

Caroline is going back to the city tomorrow. Peter is going to drive her in since she has more stuff she needs to get to her apartment. She had to get a Windows computer for some of her classes especially for her animation courses. She loves her MacBook and will still use it to write on. This was for the necessity of the classes she will be taking over the next couple of years.

Today is an indoor day. Caroline has a project she is working on. I have a project I am working on as well. Peter has writing to do.

The cats have been very cuddly this week. I don’t know if it is because it is cold and we are warm or that Caroline is home.

Everyone in the path of the storm, be careful and be warm. For those digging out from it, same thing.

I am grateful for all the parties I have attended that were thrown by my brother.

It’s not the cold but the wind chill factor

Posted By on January 15, 2022

Outside it is twelve degrees Fahrenheit with a wind chill factor from 15 mile an hour gusts bring the temperature to a lovely zero to fifteen degrees below zero.

That is some dangerous temperatures for humans, animals, and plants.

Our heating system is trying to keep up but it is so cold outside, it is not quite meeting the temperature for what we have the house at. I did check the baseboards. They are working as is the furnace.

So, bundling up is the name of the game.

And working on things around the house. 

I used yesterday to get the weekly household chores done and straight out my reading nook. While doing that, I found my knitting bag.

Today is putting things back in order in the dining room so I can get back to work with puppets and other creative projects I want to have done by Farpoint.

Yes, we are currently going to be attending Farpoint using the precautions needed to navigate a convention. This, of course is dependent on all the things that we keep an eye on these days.

I am working on me. I can say that I am a mess that needs to step back and get myself back in control.

I think the biggest issue is I am tired both mentally and physically. The shadow of COVID keeps me in a defensive position going on two years. That is a lot of stress on the body. This leads to bad sleep which makes me tired, and it just becomes a vicious circle.

Thank goodness for psychiatrists and better mental health through medicine. I really am grateful that I have ways to cope with all the stress.

I wonder if life expectancy is going to drop a couple of years.

I also worry about the children. Especially those that fell so far behind during remote learning. Some children need in person learning to learn. Caroline hated it.

The generation currently going through the school system is going to be very telling as to what methods work and don’t work. Also, the lack of socialization is going to bite us on the bum down the road.

We live in tumultuous times. Evil people seem to be getting away with their crimes we watched unfold. Companies are making it harder to work. A lot of people rediscovered themselves and decided that finding a job that respects them and pays a living wage is more important to grab at a job that pays money. 

Restaurants are begging people to work for them but are not making the jobs look enticing. Companies that have sailed by and abused their employees are finding harder not only to find people to do the work but retaining the employees they have.

Workers have more power than they had in years, and they know it.

Yes, I am pro union. I belong to Actor’s Equity.

I am grateful for warmth in all its forms.

Freezing my *beep* off

Posted By on January 14, 2022

The weather is not being kind up here on the Island of Long.

We have unloaded two trucks in close to zero temps. We have a system so no one has to spend the entire time freezing and we do work up a sweat while hauling boxes.

Going out was an adventure in itself. The layering with clothes, sweaters, masks, scarfs, warm socks, and coats took some time.

It is going to be a rough couple of days.  The rain hitting the cold surface is going to give us many icy patches to deal with.

Fortunately, we will be staying inside for the next couple of days.

Caroline is home the past week and it is very nice to have her around.

I need to get my French toast kit up to snuff.

I am grateful for heat and things that keep me warm.