No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Changing my mind

Posted By on June 12, 2022

I tend to get set in my ways. 

I have good habits and bad habits.

The past couple of years have been a health rollercoaster and not only because of COVID.

I have habits I need to change, and I am actively working on them.

I don’t like the limitations my body has right now and every day. I am learning how to deal with them and hoping that nothing new is going to pop up..

I find myself frozen trying to figure out what to do first. I have found that a list considering what else is going on seems to be the best thing for me.

Like this morning, I know we have rain coming in, so I need to get the cat boxes done before it starts to rain. The rest of WHAT MUST BE DONE are interior jobs. 

My limitations today are my legs. My left Achille’s tendon is hurting still. I can’t stand on it for any length of time without pain when I pick it up. Right knee is acting up because my balance is off and the weather.

I will do what I can and not beat myself up for what I cannot get done. That is honestly what I have been working on.

The other habit I would like to break is the amount I am on my electronics. The exception is when I am writing like this blog or stories or looking at reference for a project I am working on.

I must break down what I need to get done when since July is the month of conventions and I owe some puppets to people. Plus, I want a jump on DragonCon.

I am grateful for still have the ability to make myself a better person.

If you can’t say anything nice then don’t say anything at all

Posted By on June 10, 2022

Twenty One Years I married Peter

Posted By on May 27, 2022

(21 year and a day because for some reason the blog entries didn’t fire)

My wedding day is very special to me. It was a gathering of friends and family who witnessed Peter and I pledge to be there for each other no matter what.

And there has been a whole bunch of what in our lives usually followed by the appropriate sentiment expressed verbally.

But I would not trade a minute of it even with all the ups and downs. I am never bored.

I thought this year would be a good one to give you a photo essay with some of the stories behind the photos.


RTBTCKI Well at least someone knows how to use the Brazier of Bom’Galiath

Posted By on May 12, 2022

I think this one is going to be really random.

San Diego ComicFest was what both Peter and I needed.

I would like to thank Matt, Lisa, Jenny, Marion and Brandon for such a lovely time. I would also like to thank the volunteers and attendees for being so understanding and kind.

It is very much a family fan convention. It reminded me of Shoreleave or Farpoint. 

They said next time they are putting me on programming because of my vast knowledge of various topics. I think I talked more about puppetry there than I have at a convention in a long time.

Peter and I give this convention our stamp of approval. If you get invited, go. They take good care of you and the fans are comic book fans. 

The flight to and back was mundane. Honestly that is what you want these days. I did something to my left achilleas making it hard for me to walk so I bit the bullet and was wheeled about the airport. It was a hard decision but I knew I could not get through the airport.

Update on Peter and dialysis. We have worked our way to the nighttime machine which is so much easier to deal with. It is nice to not have to carve up our day in four-hour increments. It takes about three quarters of an hour to set up.  There are alarms that occasional go off but they are easy to deal with. 

It is working. He looks less swollen, and I can see his ankles again. Movement is easier. 

Of course, that was too good to last. Peter has COVID and is in the hospital for a treatment that will help him a lot. I have tested negative four times now but am making an appointment to get the other test just to make sure.

I have to follow the rules for exposure before I go back to work.

Caroline has two more weeks of school. She is coming home for the summer and doing a couple of classes on line for the summer. I am looking forward to having her back.

Oh and I loved Dr. Strange.

I am grateful for cures and medicine that fight COVID.

It is amazing how much a good night sleep can help your mind

Posted By on April 21, 2022

Yesterday we flew from New York to San Diego as Peter is one of the Guests of Honor of the San Diego Comics Fest (more information can be found at

Flight was uneventful which is the best you can get these days. Masking throughout the cabin was hit or miss but more had masks on than off.

The one interesting thing that happened before we boarded the plane is that Laurie Anderson was off to somewhere. I got to tell her how much I appreciated her work. She thanked me but was in a bit of a hurry. So that’s off my bucket list.

We were greeted by one of the heads of the convention, Matt Dunford, who picked us up and got us settled. He’s a class act all the way.

The convention starts this evening at seven giving us the day to acclimate to the time zone and get our feet under us.

After staying up late watching a couple episodes of Space Force, we went to sleep and slept until the alarm the previous room occupant went off at 5:45. 

Having silenced that alarm, we went back to sleep until Peter’s dialysis machine informed us that he had cycled through, and the machine could be shut down. Half an hour later, I got the whole system shut down. 

I was awake at this point. I took a long hot shower getting a lot of the kinks from the airplane seat out of my back. I went to breakfast and picked Peter up something to eat when he finally woke up.

I thought I was awake but my eyes kept closing. We had nothing to do until seven so I went back to sleep.

And slept for quite a while.

After Peter and I finally woke up and were ready to deal with the day, Matt was kind enough to take us down to the gas light district so we could have lunch and look around a bit. I took a photo of the Convention Center that looked almost deserted.

Lunch was at a steak place it is impossible to get into during SDCC called Moe & Mickey’s. After a very fine and satisfying meal, we wander the Gas Light a bit. They have shut off parts of 5th Ave to make the same outdoor structures as we have in NYC. 

I am enjoying the weather a lot. I think sitting outside is going to be an activity for me this weekend.

Right now we are relaxing before starting the convention.

I am enjoying being rested. I don’t even really feel stressed. It is an interesting feeling that I had forgotten.

I am grateful for a change of venue to clear the mind.