No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Easter Sunday 2021

Posted By on April 4, 2021

This day is, to me, the most important holy day in the entire Catholic calendar. The base of our entire faith is proven on this day.

I am going to church on remote. I am going to view the St. Thomas Moore feed in Atlanta because I am not liking the conservative hard line that my local church is taking.

The rest of the day is going to be rather quiet.

I do plan on making eggs benedict for breakfast and I have dinner all sorted out as well.

Other than that, I plan to take the day to reflect.

Caroline and I have our walk planned and the weather is cooperating.

I feel like I need to reset myself and move forward.

I am grateful for being able to participate in a Mass online.

RTBTCKI 4/3/21

Posted By on April 3, 2021

One of those funny dates that a lot of people are creating memes faster than the Internet can keep up.

I rested my leg yesterday. My shin splints are down to a very dull roar and the leg functions again. 

This means I can get things done that need to be done. 

I have a plan and want to see if I can execute it.

Caroline received her first vaccine on April 1st. By the beginning of May, we will all be fully vaccinated. That is a big weight off my soul.

I am grateful for being able to walk with minimal pain.

Friday April 2, 2021 or 383 days since the first lock down

Posted By on April 2, 2021

Work was fine. I wish I had been able to be faster, but I got done what they asked plus a bit. Unless there was a hidden cart, I managed to catch us up on some areas that we need to get done.

I am in a bit of pain right now due to shin splints in my right leg. This is slowing me down quite a bit and keeping me from doing things. Ice is a lovely thing. I plan on babying it for the next couple of days to help heal it.

Caroline was wait listed for the college she wants to go to more than any other. She is very frustrated and down on herself. She thinks we have been lying to her about how smart she is and how good she is so she is really down on herself. I understand she is grieving for what she wished to be. She thinks she is not good enough to achieve her dreams. It is a really kick in the teeth for her. Part of it is that so many students differed for a year, the number of open spots in minimal.

That hurts and frustrates me as well. I don’t have the words to magically make things better. I am at a loss how to help her other than be there for her and try to make her see that she is a good person. 

Doesn’t help that her friends are getting into their dream colleges.

Wait listed means that the waiting game goes on and it stressed all of us out.

I know she would kick-ášš and take names. She has the drive but right now is a bit rudderless.

I had some rather disappointed news as Del Rey passed on me. I would have so kicked ášš on that job. I would love to have an editorial position at a publishing house.

Understand I love my job at Michael’s and am very happy there if that is where I am meant to be so be it. It is a great retail situation. I have no complaints except I would like more hours.

This is good Friday in the Catholic Calendar. It is the beginning of the holy weekend. Saturday is a pause before we get to Easter Sunday. I have been getting ready for Easter itself.

Yeah, this is random but the coffee kicked in hours ago.

I managed to get twelve hours sleep last night which is a record for me. I didn’t know I was that tired until I keep nodding off on the couch.

I feel more awake than I have in a while. I counted that on the plus side.

I hope those who celebrate it have a very blessed Easter.

I am grateful for real sleep.

Mental Health Monday March 27 2021

Posted By on March 29, 2021

There are going to be some delicate subjects today so tread carefully.

On Facebook I have been talking to my friends about the feelings of hope we are getting now and the joy of doing or planning something normal.

It is like we have had our heads down for a year and now are starting to feel like we can un-crouch and make plans again.

There is still a worry that something is going to happen, and we are back to the crouch.

I am going to hold on to the hope. It feels bright and shiny.

Someone else described it as, “It feels like an evil fog that has invaded the land is lifting.”

It doesn’t mean we go back to how it was right now. Personally, I don’t believe we ever really will considering what we have /are all gone/going through.

We cannot back off on masking, washing our hands, and social distance.

It would be horrible to be so close and then blow it because of selfish people.

I cannot believe I am saying this again. A miscarriage is a loss of a child. Don’t tell people just to get over it because it was a miscarriage. Let them grieve in their own way.

Loss is loss no matter what the circumstance. 

I grieved the loss of my job when I got downsized from Del Rey. I grieved for friends I have lost. I grieve for opportunities I have lost. And I grieved for my miscarriage.

Don’t let others tell you when you should and shouldn’t grieve. It is a personally matter.

I cry when I am mad. I always have. It is my release when I cannot do anything else. When I was a child, this was looked on by my peers as a weakness they could exploit. What they didn’t understand is I was not sad but very angry and I knew hitting people was wrong as was screaming. They are tears of sheer frustration. Caroline does the same thing.

The lists this week have helpful. I have been able to work through them and feel a sense of accomplishment.

I plan on continuing that system since it is working.

Today Caroline and I are going through her clothing to donate things to Big Brother/Big Sister and knock her room into shape.

Tomorrow I have work in the early morning then whatever I can get done during the day.

That will be my schedule until Friday.

I am grateful for shifts at work.

Palm Sunday 2021

Posted By on March 28, 2021

As well as Passover.

First a belated Happy Birthday to my friend Mary Aileen which was on Friday. She is an amazing friend and a very clever artist with a wicked sense of humor. You can find her work at You can find her work for sale at various conventions when they start up again.

I have always though the week from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday as a pause. A time to reflect and pray. We are ending the 40 days of Lent. I love Christmas but I think Easter is the more important Holiday in the Catholic Church because it is why we have a Catholic Church.

I have a lot of reflect on.

Today is a cleaning day.

I cleaned the cat boxes yesterday because I knew it was going to be raining today.

I have a plan and now I have to execute that plan. I even have a list to work through.

First is finishing the mega pattern sort which is something I have been needed to do for years now. I am finding pattern pieces I thought I had lost.

Then I start at the top of the list and work my way down.

I am grateful for pauses to reflect.