No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

RTBTCKI Two Shots down two weeks to go

Posted By on April 23, 2021

Or rather a week for me and two for Caroline. Peter is fully vaccinated.

Then this bubble will be fully vaccinated.

I picked up an extra shift at work which was nice. I like my job and the people I am working with.

Crafty Tuesday was going to be about cosplay and the move from a niche to mainstream. I might get that one written by next Tuesday.

Phoebe is sleeping on her favorite spot in the morning. She is sunning her tummy while she sleeps. She curled up on top of me about 3 AM and was there when I woke up around 6. 

The rest of the clowder are in the dining room on their favorite spots.

I am going to take things slow today. I have a list, but I am not going to crack up about what I did and didn’t get done at the end of the day.

Disney hit it out of the park again with Falcon and the Winter Soldier. I am loving all the original programing on Disney+.

Might I recommend the Goes Wrong Show especially if you have a theater background. It is just the sort of show we need theses day. 

I am grateful for things that make me feel better.

Posted By on April 19, 2021

It took me about an hour to figure out if I was waking up or I needed to just go back to bed.

I got up with Caroline to take her to school.

When I got back, I couldn’t figure out what my body wanted to do.

Finally, I sorted out that I am awake.

This week has been a series of highs and lows. 

My stress levels are up due to a number of things.

I recognize this and am trying to do all my tricks to lower this stress.

Some of it is working but not as well as it has in the past.

I might go somewhere and just scream for a bit.

Today I am giving myself space to do what I can and not beat myself up over what I don’t get to.

No list but I have a number of things I want to do.

I have learned to listen to my body and adjust accordingly.

Stress is bad for both one’s physical and mental health.

On the positive side, Caroline is getting her second shot on Thursday. At that point we will all be vaccinated (plus two weeks).

I am going to go do something and then move onto the next thing until I can’t anymore.

I am grateful for things that help my stress.

Happy Birthday Shana! 2021 Edition

Posted By on April 18, 2021

Shana is Peter’s eldest daughter and is as amazing as her father.

I met Shana the same time I met Peter. It was at an Atlanta Fantasy Fair. Peter had bought Ralph the Klingon which came with a lesson. I taught both of them the basics. Shana picked it up really fast and was having fun playing with people to get them talk to the puppet.

She has a voice of an angel. I always love to hear her sing. She is also proficient in a number of instruments. She creates magic with her music. 

She is a teacher. She has taught music lessons for years and worked in the public school system in Jacksonville. 

Shana and Tim are the proud owners of and the Sun Ray Cinema Pizza Cave. They built their business from the ground up. I love that theater. From the décor to the food to the seats, it would be one of my favorite cinemas even if I didn’t know the owners. It has that funky vibe that I love.

They worked hard to keep things going during the pandemic. They did drive-in movies with a local company that usually works conventions but was pretty much shut down because of the pandemic. 

She is an amazing sister. She has always been there for Caroline no matter what. Caroline knows she can call Shana and talk about anything. Caroline loves spending time with her. They have their little in jokes and sister code. Shana goes the extra mile to help her sisters.

I am proud to be her stepmother. She knows I am in her corner and she can come to me when she needs to and I will be there.

Happy Birthday Shana!

I hope the day brings you lots of lovely memories.

Love you very much.


I am grateful I have Shana in my life.

Early to Bed Early to Rise

Posted By on April 17, 2021

When your shift at work starts anywhere between 3 and 5 AM, you tend to go to bed earlier to get some solid sleep.

My bedtime these days is between nine and ten. Thank goodness for the DVR.

Even days I am not on the schedule, I tend to wake up on the early side of things.

This gives me the morning to get things done before the rest of the house really stirs. 

I like this quiet time before the day really gets moving.

Right now I am listening to bird song and watching the sunrise.

I will say that over the past year I have gained a greater appreciation for sunrise and sunset.

I know a couple of you who have met me back in the 80s and 90s are probably having a laugh since I was a night owl for the longest time.

Then again, my job in theater tended to be at night.

I didn’t have a job that gave me weekends off until I worked at Del Rey. 

That was an interesting transition.

Now most of my hours are in the middle of the week giving me my weekends to do things with the family.

The second shot gave me a sore arm and I went through periods of dizziness throughout the day. If I felt dizzy, I sat down. I spent the rest of the day cleaning up the house. I have laundry today along with the bathrooms. No fever but a lot of joint pain.

I have a cunning plan for today. Now let’s see which spanner is going to wreck it.

Today I am also going to back up my computer and Caroline’s computer after I figure out how to put two computers on there.

I am still looking for feedback on my website. Thank you to Tom Galloway for his insights on it.

One of the cats is snoring and I can’t figure out which one.

Since I am starting to ramble, I am going to end this here and get on with my day.

I am grateful for yesterday.

RTBCKI Two Shots done now two weeks wait

Posted By on April 16, 2021

I received my second shot of the Pfizer vaccine yesterday. Now I wait two weeks and I can make plans to see some friends I haven’t seen in ages.

This morning I have a very sore arm and my joints are achy. I have been drinking water like it is going out of style so I am hoping that will mitigate any symptoms.

I do have things to do. However, I am going to let my body dictate what I get done today.

The last week has been hard for a variety of reasons. I had to go to the ER due to serious pain in my abdomen after seeing my GP. His concern was about my appendix considering where the pain was. After a CAT scan, I am no closer to knowing what is going on. So, I am going to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist to see what is going on with my GI track.

Caroline ended up in the ER after injuring her back at school and she passed out twice. She followed up with her GP and now has a laundry list of specialists they want her to see to figure out what is going on with her. All we do know is that she bruised a set of muscles in her lower back. 

Peter is doing well. Thank goodness. At least one functions adult in the house is a good thing.

Next week Caroline gets her second Pfizer shot and I will be able to let go of the breath I have been holding since she started in person school again.

In three weeks, we will all be fully vaccinated.

Work this week was fine. There is a groove to it right now. I feel like we are playing less catchup than we have been. 

I have plans for this weekend including creating a costume piece for Caroline. Actually, I will be observing Caroline doing the bulk of it. The more she does hands on, the more she learns. She is getting good at sewing and I want to encourage her to expand what she can do.

I am going to start one of two projects that have been rattling around in my head.

This along with the usual errands and chores we have to keep the house in some sort of order.

I need to find a way to download all my Photobucket photos onto my computer. I am so done with that company it is not even funny but some of those photos seem only to be there.

I also need some help with my website. I am trying to see what I can do but I could use some eyes to tell me what they think about it. is the web address. I do know I need to put more in the blog for people to have new content and figure out where I can promote it so I can sell some puppets.

But today I listen to my body and do what I need to do to get things in order.

I am grateful for getting the second vaccine and feeling hope for my future.