No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Monday Mental Health Check In: Ouroboros

Posted By on May 17, 2021

From the Encyclopedia Britannica 

<i>Ouroborosemblematic serpent of ancient Egypt and Greek origins represented with its tail in its mouth, continually devouring itself and being reborn from itself. A gnostic and alchemical symbol, Ouroboros expresses the unity of all things, material and spiritual, which never disappear but perpetually change form in an eternal cycle of destruction and re-creation.</i>

This is a concept I have been thinking about a lot these days.

The idea of change can be a scary one. Just look back at the past year as to how much you have changed.

Things that were desperately important before the pandemic aren’t as important anymore.

Things that have become important to me sometime surprise me. 

The pause gave me a chance to reset and really think about what is important to me.

Somethings didn’t change but other things did.

I want to keep up with the good habits I have learned and unlearn some of the bad ones I picked up during my time in isolation.

This weekend we are off to Pensacon. Come on by and say hi. It is our first convention in over a year, and we are looking forward to it. Yes, we are taking precautions even though we are fully vaccinated. I think we all need it.

I have a couple of puppets to bust out over the next couple of days and packing.

Feels almost normal.

I am grateful for concepts to think about.

RTBTCKI Think twice post once

Posted By on May 16, 2021

One of the first things I learned when I took woodshop was measure twice and cut once.

I think we should apply the same idea for what we put out on the Internet.

One needs to think about what one is saying.

I have been basically off-line because I really didn’t have anything nice to say.

I am a firm believer in this 

There are three things you must always ask yourself before you say anything.

  • Does this need to be said?
  • Does this need to be said by me?
  • Does this need to be said by me now?

That in a nutshell is my philosophy.

This past two weeks have been challenging to say the least.

Part of it has to do with an injury to my hip. This has made movement difficult.

I am being careful to try to walk as normally as possible to keep other parts being injured.

Over the counter is not cutting it but that’s what I have so I use it.

There has been some sturm and drang that isn’t helping my stress levels.

Peter and I are fine as is Caroline and my family.

It is a number of things I have no control over, and I hate that with the passion of a fiery thousand suns. Outside issues are damaging my calm.

Today is a bit of a reflective day for me as we lost Jim Henson 31 years ago today.

I plan to build puppets and watch various Jim Henson productions while doing so/

I think that’s the nicest thing I can say right now.

I want everyone to have the rights and expected treatment in the United States. 

I want the Republican party to eat their own.  They are well on there way.

I am grateful for things that keep me sane.

Mother’s Day 2021

Posted By on May 9, 2021

Years ago, when I was stage managing regularly, I had an actor tell me that any children I had would be very lucky because I was such a mom.

I had a hard thought about what they said. I was a bit of a mother hen when it came to my cast and crew. I made sure that they had a safe place to work on the show. I took care of them.

My nurture insistence is strong. I want to encourage people to do their best and try new things to expand their world. If I can help, I will. I believe in people and their abilities even if they don’t. 

Caroline sometimes calls me Mama Bear because she knows I am protective of her and will step up when someone hurts my child.  She knows I have her back and I am in her corner.

One thing that this pandemic did for my relationship with Caroline is bring us closer together. We walk every day and talk about all kinds of things. I have learned a lot from these conversations about her hopes and dreams and disappointments.

I think I have always had mothering instincts. It shows in my compassion and willingness to help Others.

On this Mother’s Day I reflect on what it means to be a mom.

I am grateful to all the women who taught me to be a good mother but especially my mom.

Frustration with the World

Posted By on May 5, 2021

We were so close to getting ourselves to herd immunity. So close to getting back to the new normal. So close to getting over this so we can live our lives.

Now it seems that this whole saga is going to drag on because people who can get vaccinated won’t do it.

One of the chants is “It came out too fast. How can they be sure it is safe?”

Normally there is a linear way to test a vaccine but because of the urgency of the situation, they allowed the companies to put things on top of each other. The same steps were taken as they would be for any vaccine.

The percentage of bad reactions to the vaccine are the same for most vaccines and medicines.  You have a greater chance of dying for COVID than you do from the vaccine.

I am frustrated with social censorship. The internet is no one’s hug box. And there are people who are trying to force other people to conform to what they believe and are being particularly nasty about it. Especially when they go into spaces and enforce their will upon the group.

It happened with a craft group I belong to. It was mostly crafting talk but we had gotten to know each other over the years and so family and life was discussed. 

A new person joined and was a wealth of information about the Cricut machines and what you could do with them. A number of the group have them, so they gave helpful tips. There were the occasional weird posts, but I just ignored them.  

One of the members had been working hard to get a gastric band and had been losing weight to prove they could do it. Their brother died from a heart attack and that was their wake-up call. They had been approved for the surgery, so they told us the good news. New person had a melt down and blasted everyone for triggering their eating disorder and made our friend feel terrible about their news and she left the group. New person tried to set herself up as Queen Bee of the group. Everyone tried to be nice, but they had more and more subjects they didn’t want us to discuss because of this than and the other.

I gave up and left the group which dissolved shortly afterwards. 

I am frustrated with my own body. Recently my tremors have ramped up again, so I am being extra careful of everything I pick up. The back of my knee feels like it is on fire so I am waiting for that to subside. I am just a mess right now.

I have to find my way back and not wallow in everything that is annoying and frustrating me right now.

I am grateful for peaceful moments.

RTBTCKI My Driveway is Yellow

Posted By on May 3, 2021

Right now, the village has a layer of yellow pollen on it. 

Thank goodness for allergy pills.

I would call yesterday a bit of a wash. I got things done but not as much as I hoped I would. 

Today is another day and I have a plan…OK half a plan.

Mental health is sort of in neutral right now. I am not feeling much. I am in doing mode. When I get into that mindset, then I put feelings to the bottom of my stomach and leave them there for a bit. I think the word numb describes me right now.

I want some forward movement in something today. 

I am dealing with my nails splitting. It has to do with what I am doing with my hands. I need to cut them really short to even them up and start growing them again. Since I stopped biting them, they have been harder to maintain.

Today I am going to start with some loose ends before moving on to the next project on my list.

Aaand there is another thing added to the list.

I am grateful for anything I get done today.