No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Sunshine and Summer temperatures

Posted By on June 5, 2021

I was enjoying Spring. 

Yes, there was rain, but the breezes were nice. It was lovely to walk around in.

Today the temperatures start creeping up into the 70s which is tolerable and a preview of what is to come shortly.

I am not a summer person. As I tell Caroline, I am a polar bear. 

Today we have some errands to run as a family. 

Hard to believe that this fall it is going to be just Peter and me. 

I plan on enjoying the time I have before Caroline goes off into the world.

It is going to be different for us being empty nesters. 

I have a list of things I MUST DO TODAY! And I think it is time for me to start the first item on the list.

I am grateful for every minute I have with Caroline.

Working through some stuff

Posted By on June 4, 2021

I have gone from posting just about every day to a lot less.

There are multiple reasons for this. 

When I start work at 5:00 AM, I have no time to sit down and write something. Once I get home, I crash for a bit and then get on with my day. 

I have no idea why I have a hard time writing after noon. In the morning I can get a flow going but it is pulling teeth in the afternoon. 

Today I got Caroline off to school with a good breakfast in her stomach and everything she needs for the day. I am very proud of her as she won an award and a scholarship at her school for her artistic work. 

The cats are enjoying the open windows. Have a couple open gives them all a place to plop down and enjoy the outside at a safe distance.

My mental state is much improved since the convention. We are now planning out the rest of the summer and fall for Peter’s convention travel.

I think I am doing better because things are moving back to normal or the new normal as it is called. I can see how we can work our way out of this pandemic.

I know some things are permanently changed and I will deal with those. 

I am grateful when my spacebar works correctly. (it keeps double spacing).

Posted By on June 3, 2021

Mewlan was the most skittish cat we have ever adopted. She had a rough life before she came to our house. It has taken years, but she now comes to me for pets and doesn’t run away when I walk by her. She curls up next to me when I am on the couch and falls asleep. It has taken a lot of patience to get to this point. It has been worth it.

I am really enjoying Star Wars: The Bad Batch. The idea was original and the episodes have been solid. I am also looking forward to Loki.

Mental health is better this week. Going to a convention helped me a lot. Helped Caroline too. Peter had a blast and made a lot of fans happy.

It is amazing and not surprising at the same time how much pain can affect one’s mood. My good and bad days right now are dependent on how well I can move. I am doing everything I can to mitigate the pain but it can come out of nowhere as I turn to get something and almost fall down because my body objects through pain. Also, I hate pain sweats.

Work was fine. We got done as much as we could in the time allotted. On the plus side it was a small truck this week which allowed us to get further on getting things on the floor on truck day.

I now have a couple of days to catch up on everything that hasn’t been done since we left for PensaCon. Making it a laundry, clean the house, and cat box day. I hope to get the cat boxes done before the rain starts again.

I might take a break and try to finish a puppet or two. I have so many ideas and so little time. 

If it is raining when Caroline gets home, we will work on her costumes.

I should get started on the day.

Take care of yourself and give yourself some love. You deserve it.

I am grateful for co-workers who help each other.

So close yet so far

Posted By on May 29, 2021

I am a vaccinated individual. I have a card to prove this.

We are at a crossroads right now. If we are sensible and continue to get vaccinated, then we can achieve herd immunity.

I don’t have to wear a mask at work if there are no customers in the store. Once they come in, I don’t have to wear one, however I feel more comfortable doing so especially when working as a cashier.

I now can choose when I wear a mask unless the establishment has a rule about masks.

I am not wearing them outside when Caroline and I go on walks and the like. I have one in my pocket if need be.

I am sad that there are countries that are crying for the vaccine, and we have to bribe people to get vaccinated. The selfishness of people in this country is awful. 

And then there is the misinformation campaign about the vaccine. I have heard all kinds of stupidity about why someone won’t get vaccinated. ‘It came together too quickly’. No, rather than following the linier path, they were able to put things on top of each other to move things forward. Is that the perfect way to create a vaccine? Possibly not but people were dying at a rate we have never seen and we needed a vaccine to save people.

Then there are the crazy reasons like microchips that can track us. We have those, it is called our cell phones and our GPS systems. 

Some of the things I have been reading about what is in the vaccine are really insane. What was in vaccines back in the day like cow pox being used to fight smallpox is not what happens for the most part. 

The vaccine causes one’s body to create antibodies that keeps one from dying from COVID 19. There are a small percentage that can still get COVID as Bill Maher can attest to. However, because he had the vaccine, his symptoms were mild and considering how much weed he smokes that vaccine probably saved his life.

At Pensacon, they took the CDC guidelines very seriously. They had hand sanitizer all over the place. They enforced masks over noses and mouth.  Social distance was marked out on the floor. All the celebrities had shields in front of them. And the attendees were following the rules. Occasionally I saw a volunteer asked someone to pull their mask up.

And props to all the volunteers. They were all professional and helpful. It was a great group to work with. 

The people running the convention worked very hard to make it fun for everyone. The logistics this year were a nightmare due to the damage they are still fixing from Hurricane Sally. But they got people where they needed to go to see panels and demonstrations safely.

I am grateful for everyone who is fully vaccinated.

It has been awhile

Posted By on May 28, 2021

And a whole bunch of things happened.

This one is going to be photo heavy so I am going to put the rest under a cut.
