No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Been A While

Posted By on August 8, 2021

Less than a month but not by much.

Things have been busy here at Casa David.

Caroline had a lovely time in Florida with my family and her sister Shana.

GalaxyCon in Raleigh was amazing. 

I would like to thank Mike and the gang for another great experience.

Highlights for me were talking to William Shatner and finding out that he did remember us meeting at the Barter Theater. We had a nice chat. 

Seeing my friends again. It was so awesome. I got hugs and talked to people I have wanted to see in over a year and a half. It is so different seeing people in person rather than just online.

And getting this photo and autograph

(For the VI: This is me on the left and Lana Parrilla is on the right. She has long black hair and is wearing a white outfit. She is holding the Dark One’s dagger in her right hand. I am wearing blue jeans and a black t-shirt. I have Rumplestilkin on my left hand and Mr. Gold on my right one. They are looking shocked that the Evil Queen has the dagger. The autograph says, “To Kathleen, The Puppet-master! Love Lana Parrilla”

Caroline had a great time too.

Peter made a lot of fans happy. We sold out of Peter’s autobiography.  

Now back at home, we are getting ready to send Caroline off to college.  She is packing up what she is taking with her and double checking her courses and payments and the like. There are some items we must buy for her that are a bit pricey. However, she has a good college fund thanks to my parents, so she is covered. 

I am starting work on my puppet slam puppets. I do have most of the work done but there is more to do. Plus, I have a couple I want to get done to sell before the convention.

We have cancelled our Orlando appearance for several reasons. There is only so many hours in a day and we need them.

There will be other conventions there and we will be back.

I am grateful for the fun we had at GalaxyCon.

MMHCI Some stressors are less stressful.

Posted By on July 12, 2021

Over the weekend we found an alternative apartment for Caroline if she does not get on campus housing. It is a lovely apartment. The owner is an amazing person with one heck of a career that continues. The doggies are all rescues and very loving. In other words, we found her a safe and beautiful space that would work well for her.

I got the watercooler replaced and functioning. The old one finally gave up the ghost. What I am loving is that the bottle in the bottom rather than on the top.

Peter’s big surprise for me is a new dishwasher after our old one just fell apart. I have a lovely/horrifying bruise on my foot where the door slammed on it. 

Today we are getting back into costuming as I have Caroline here until the end of the week and then she is off to Florida for beach week with my parents. I need her body to fit clothing and some accessories. I can do the finishing when she is out of the house.

Mentally I am doing OK. Not perfect but I don’t strive for perfection rather feeling even and secure in myself.

Another thing I did this weekend was visit some friends I haven’t seen since before covid. It was a pleasant afternoon of food and friendship and hugs.  It did a lot for my mental health.

Now I want to make time to see more friends and reconnect.

I am now going to start the list and check it twice to see what I can get done.

I am grateful for pleasant time with friends.

We are ready for whatever the weather brings

Posted By on July 9, 2021

Yesterday was about doing all we needed to do outside the house so if we were trapped in the house, we were well supplied and clean cat boxes. I even charge all our spare batteries and headphones.

This morning I woke up to howling winds and rain pounding the windows. Really scary to watch as trees bent one way then the other. We did have one down across the road but the local crew took care of it quickly so traffic could flow. No property or power line damage thank goodness.

Now it looks like the sun is pushing through the clouds.

We have a superstition that the more ready we are, the less we get hit. It is not just me but a lot of people we know around here.

That doesn’t really change the plans for the day overall.

I am going to finish this then move on to the next item on my list.

I am grateful that we didn’t get hit that hard.

RTBTCKI Got to get myself in gear.

Posted By on July 8, 2021

Or rather into convention gear where I need to get things done.

I know what my schedule is for the next two weeks. Caroline will be visiting relatives as she will be joining her grandparents at beach week. 

That gives me the structure to work in.

I must get things started and finished.

I have a list of what I want to make and some new ideas for the booth allowing us to do more with the space we have. 

Today looks like a good day to work indoors. I want to try to get the cat boxes in before the rain hits.

Then it will be onto the next thing. I do have a list of what I want to get done today.

Once the day is done, I will look at the list and figure out tomorrow.

My coffee pot system seems to be slowly dying. Making a good cup of coffee is becoming more of a fight. If there is a leak, then I move onto to a new system.

The cats are hiding today in their various hidey holes. 

Caroline is sleeping in after staying up late.

I went to bed at 8 and woke up at 6. I think this is the longest I have slept in a while. I do feel rested and ready to tackle the day.

I am grateful for friends getting good news and having awesome adventures.

Happy Birthday to my youngest brother Patrick

Posted By on July 7, 2021

Patrick was never the baby of the family. Yes, he was a baby in the family. Once he learned to talk, he was able to keep up with the rest of us.

He is very smart. I joke that of the four of us, I have the short end of the stick in the brains department. He has a way of figuring things out and work through problems at a rapid pace that is amazing. He has a math and science brain.

Doesn’t mean he has no imagination. He has a lot of it. I would read a book in one room and listen to Sheila and him work through these elaborate stories with their toys. He also loves Lego and all the possibilities. I remember how thrilled he was when we got Lego bricks that let him do more things.

He is now the proud father of a high school graduate who is getting ready for college now. His other little girl is just as smart as her sister. 

He loves his wife and works hard for his family.

He’s a good friend and a great brother.

I love him very much.

I am grateful that I have Patrick in my life.