No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

A week until DragonCon 2021 starts

Posted By on August 26, 2021

I have a lot to do in that time. Like I do every year.

I have a plan and now I am going to execute it.

Of course, waiting to see what comes along this round to slow me down.

For those going to DragonCon, the cell phone number hasn’t changed in over twenty years. 

Peter has a table in artist alley and there will be puppets for sale there.

Caroline will be joining us Saturday and Sunday since she has class late Friday and has to get back Monday.

I will be doing my usual panels and judging the workmanship contest. I am also going to talk about Big Finish on the Brit Track in the Hilton. “So you want to make a puppet” is on Monday at 10 AM on the puppet track in the Mariotte.

I am looking forward to seeing old friends and making some new ones.

I am grateful for time to get this done.

I believe in Personal Responsibility

Posted By on August 25, 2021

My parents taught me by word and example to take responsibility for my actions.

Online I stand behind what I say and would say it out loud in a group or to an individual. 

I do not hide behind a username or a created persona with one exception that involves the writing of fanfic.

I have taught Caroline to take responsibility for her actions and the difference between what she did and what happened that she had no control over. She tends to take the world on her shoulders.

I got the vaccine because I am responsible for my health and not being a super spreader to my family and friends.

I take my medication that the doctors have given me to help my health both physically and mentally. I exercise for the same reason.

If I am in good shape, I can do more for me and others.

Some have been calling this behavior “adulting” or acting like an adult.

I don’t like that term. 

It does have its uses and I have friends who have used it in a humorous manner.

But some people have taken this phrase and made it their mantra. They expect a pat on the back and a ‘good job’ when they do things that are commonplace like paying their bills on time or going to work.

I do understand that praise makes one feel better. I have a problem when one expects it for everything they do.

Taking responsibility is important. 

Blaming others seems to be the default that people fall back on when they don’t want to admit they screwed up or are wrong.  

And that makes me frustrated and angry along with a little bit of sad.

Those who are adults should act like adults not teenagers with extra hormones.

However, I do firmly agree with something that was said on Doctor Who by Tom Baker, “There is no point being grown-up if you can’t be childish…sometimes.”

I am grateful for balance in all things.

Crafty Tuesday Ah the Eight Ball

Posted By on August 23, 2021

The ticking clock that is the deadline for DragonCon is heading for the red zone.

I know what I need to do and what I would like to do.

I have made a list of the puppets that I need to make along with those I need to repair.

I have a space at Peter’s table to sell puppets as well.

I have some possible short cuts on a few that takes the pressure off part of the build.

I think the one I really want to get done are a couple of Loki Gator puppets.

Today I work from 11:00-3:30 then I will pick up a couple of things I need at the store including chalk markers.

Then I have some time to get it done or as they say on “Making It” ‘Now make it.’

If you like crafting and haven’t seen Making It, I highly recommend it. It is such a great show giving crafters challenges to create things. The hosts, Amy Poehler and Nick Offerman, are wonderful and bounce off each other comedically with an ease that is fun to watch.

I have learned a number of tricks and hacks that I plan on using in the future.

This is the first craft show I feel I would do well on. I have the right kind of brain and mad crafting skills along with wood working. I would want to learn basic welding if I did get on.

It is strange, I am waiting for Caroline to wake up but I know she is in her apartment an hour and a half away. That’s going to be one of the many adjustments I know I am going to make over time.

I am grateful for things I learn from others that give me new ways to make new things.

Near Miss is a Lovely Thing

Posted By on August 22, 2021

When we went to bed last night, we had a weather model that had a Henri passing over Long Island with the eye of the storm heading to Fire Island then over our area.

This morning the hurricane had become a tropical storm and it moved east back over the ocean.

We are getting rain with some wind with it being heavy at times but overall I much prefer this to an actual hurricane.

I have work today in the afternoon and the next two days.

In between I plan to get some puppets done along with some other things for DragonCon.

We went to the Parent/Student orientation at FIT yesterday. The more I see and hear about the school, the more I know it is a perfect fit (sorry Caroline) for her. They expect their students to work hard, and they will push them to be their best. They also know that they have a group of very creative young people who need encouragement to grow and explore what they can do. Also, they have everything Caroline needs on one campus to do what she wants to do.

Now she starts her college career. 

If I have done my job as a parent, she is ready for this.

I am grateful for the lack of hurricane in my backyard and front yard and, well, the whole area.

Random Thoughts With Coffee Kicking In

Posted By on August 19, 2021

I have been up for a while and am on my second cup of coffee. The brain fog has cleared so I feel awake.

Yesterday I was at one of the local watering holes where a friend of mine bartends. CNN was up on one of the TV and the news from Afghanistan was being reported.

At the bar were a group of Vets that, apparently, meet for lunch once a week. In the group was one gentleman who served several tours in Afghanistan eighteen years ago and another gentleman who was last there in 2019. 

They were talking about what they saw when they were there.

The whole bar got involved in the conversation.

Those that had been there said they felt they were fighting a lost cause.

One called it a sandy Vietnam.

And that is 18 years apart and three presidents in between.

They did as they were told. They lost comrades along the way.

They were happy we were out but were concerned for those who helped them that have been left behind.

It was a lost cause from the get go built on lies and bad intel.

I am even more scared for those Afghans who did step up and try to keep their country from falling into the hands of the Taliban and all the women and young girls in the country as the Taliban enforces Sharia law as they see it.

I am very glad that Caroline has graduated out of the public school system. Also that New York is being rational about masks and safety of their students.

I worry for others I know who are having to deal with the insanity of no masks and high rates of COVID. Those parents have some hard decisions to make.

I have started the DragonCon Puppet Building Marathon. I will have puppets for sale at Peter’s table including a John Constantine.

This morning I have a list of things I need to do and want to do.

Errands are in there somewhere.

Caroline and I will continue working on her costume for DragonCon. Once we get the pattern done, it will move much faster. This is the hard part.

My brain has moved to what I need to do for DragonCon and what we need to take with us.

It will be different since Caroline is not traveling with us.

It looks like it is going to rain today. It has been very humid.

We are also looking at a hurricane wandering by this weekend. The path is indeterminant at this point. 

I have work next week then I took sometime off to get things done around the house.

I am grateful for getting things done in a timely fashion.