No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

RTBTCKI A lot has happened

Posted By on September 12, 2021

It is hard to believe that a week ago I was at DragonCon getting ready to do my favorite panel, “So you want to build a puppet?”

My birthday was this past Wednesday and I would like to thank everyone over the various social media platforms who wishes me a happy birthday. I am blessed with lots of friends.

Most of the week I didn’t watch TV. Yesterday I sort of hid under a rock and kept clear of the World Wide Web.

I was working at Del Rey twenty years ago. I have my stories from that day. I have people I lost. I have some survivors guilt because I had a meeting about a Peanuts compilation book about baseball that morning. We got a call if we could make it that afternoon because of reasons. I was happy about it because it gave me time to put the finishing touches on a Star Wars novel that had to go out that day. I had no idea what was going to happen that day.

Birthday started at work. That was fine. It was nice to get back into the swing of things. Peter took me out to one of my favorite local restaurants for lunch/dinner. He also got me a lovely cake from our favorite bakery.  I love the soccer jersey he got me. It is the fake football team from Ted Lasso (an amazing TV show) with the name KENT and the number 6 on the back. But it is made like a real football jersey. It was a nice relaxing day with my husband and hearing from my family. Each and every birthday wish from friends made me smile a little more.

We have unpacked the car. Today I am going to focus on putting things away and laundry along with some other chores. I picked up some boxes from my brother’s shop he has been storing for me since my parents sold the house.

Caroline is finding out that college is really her speed. She feels like she has choices in what she does, and she can pick out her path. Plus, she has learned that minors can be part of her degree. This opened up so many other possibilities for her.

Peter has started a new novel. He just finished a short story and a novel along with some stories for anthologies. In between those, he is writing various projects for Marvel.

I have a couple of short stories due and there are some art ideas I want to get done.

DragonCon always recharges my creative batteries while increasing my sleep debt.

I would like to thank Pat Henry for continuing to make us part of the show. Regina and Rachel for making sure we get there and take care of little (and big) issues that seem to pop-up along the way. Beau and the puppetry gang for making me feel part of that family. Lee and the costuming gang for letting me judge some of the most beautiful costumes up close and personal. Sue for putting Caroline on a panel. The gang at the Pop Culture and Art floor of the Mart. I didn’t see much of y’all but you had that floor running like a top. I would like to thank each and every volunteer who spend their time both before, after, and during the convention.  

And my annual apology to Bill Bill for making him Tech Director. In all honestly, he is sooooo much better in the position than I could ever be.

Sean threw an awesome party that was time themed.  He built a TARDIS door that you needed to get a key for to get into the party where he changed the room into a TARDIS with the lovely round things. He also made pruners (from the TV series Loki) that are awesome and he gave me one for my birthday and Caroline because he knows his niece loves weapons. My sister-in-law made herself look like a dead ringer for Michele Gomez.

I got some time to talk to my sister Sheila and caught up on things.

Pictures to follow in a day or so.

Now we get things back to our version of normal and work our way towards Peter’s 65th next week.

I am grateful for DragonCon in all its forms.

Dragon Con 2021: Well, that was a trip

Posted By on September 2, 2021

I didn’t thinl hurricane Ida was going to be that much of an impact on our journey.

I was wrong.

We were fine for a while and then descended into a wind swept hëll of heavy rain, lighting, and the occasional tornado.

It came to a point that we had to get off the road for the night a couple of hours before we had planned to.

There was a bit of a problem in doing this. We were practically in the middle of nowhere. The closest landmark was the Natural Bridge. 

The first one in the area was a Budget Inn. Budget Inns and I don’t get along very well.

The second was The Hotel run by Wyndam. Due to things that happened down the highway from us, we had to take the side road over. I did find out eventually that it was an over turned tractor trailer. 

So after winding our way through narrow, unlit streets we arrived.

They had rooms ar reasonable prices so we got one.

I went to get our travel bag a couple of other things out of the car. 

On my way back I saw a butterfly trying to dry its wings, I watched for a few minutes and turned to make sure I had locked the car,

At that split second a mighty lighting strike illuminated the mountains in front of me and I saw a funnel cloud moving across. It was epic, breathtaking, and very scary all at the same moment.

The next day was rain but nothing like the night before.

We got down here and I hugged my parents for the first time in almost two years.

That was such a lovely feeling.

Today we set up Peter’s space in Artist Alley. He is at table 109.

Tomorrow we start DragonCon.

I am grateful we made it here safe.

Today is Caroline’s First Day of College

Posted By on August 30, 2021

And, unless she takes a photo, the streak is broken.

She is excited starting the next chapter in her educational career.

Today is combo day. Where half the day is spent on puppet clothing and the other half is packing  and cleaning.

I do have all the bodies done with faces and hair,

DrsgonCon 2021 Puppet Class

(for The VI: From. Left to right. All the puppets all pinl except the weasel in. the lower  left comer. Puppet one has curly blond and blue eyes Nrxt. Ppppet has  brown hair and brown eyes with sideburns. The middle  puppet had sand hair and blur eyes. Next puppet has long blong hair and green eyes. Next to her is a puppet with grey hair, bushy grey eye browns, and blue eue. On the far right is a puppet with short brown hair and bue eyes.)

Today I have to create a lot of clothing.  I do have a chunch cut out so it is just sir down so.

In between is doing laundry, packing,  grocery run and those few times I have forgotten.

Can I do it? Yes I csn. Peter has been so supportive.

I am grateful for what I got done yesterday.

Happy Birthday to my Brother Sean 2021 editions

Posted By on August 28, 2021

This is going to be short since I am up to my waist in puppet parts and Sean is getting ready for DragonCon. We are both a little busy.

Sean is a big believe in family both his blood relatives and his chosen family.

I have seen him go a long way to help or make someone happy.

This past week, he helped Caroline get her resume in order so she can apply for jobs in the city to supplement her income.  He got her to see how she could use her eclectic work experience to present a young lady who knows what she is doing.

He has overcome some adversity this year. He worked out what he needed to do and then executed his plan.

And that’s Sean. Doesn’t work out one way, his brain goes through ideas until he can solve his problem. 

I really understand that since my brain works the same way.

We encourage each other and give information and solutions or new ways of looking at something. 

Happy Birthday to my amazing brother.

I look forward to seeing you next week and I am sure you are looking forward to. getting yet another part of your shop back.

I am both grateful and proud to be your sister.

Find Your Tribe

Posted By on August 27, 2021

I will say that one of the good/bad things about the Internet is it is much easier to find people who share your interests.

I know a number of people who are fans of something that is not that popular or even known in the local area, but they have found folks who share their passion on the Internet.

I have made a number of friends online that have become friends in real life. We see each other at conventions or meet up for lunch or explore the city we are in.

I have also reconnected to my various tribes from my younger days. There is the Theatre Emory gang, the Druid Hills Science Fiction club, Georgia Ensemble Theater and the Atlanta Shakespeare Tavern along with friends I have made at conventions and the like.

I enjoy introducing people that I think should know each other. My record is pretty good in that regard.

This time next week I will be among my DragonCon Family. I am so looking forward to seeing people I missed seeing last year and to the new folks I will be meeting.

I am grateful for the various tribes I am a part of.  It reminds me that I am not  alone in my love  of  something.