No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

RTBTCKI A Touch of Fall In The Air

Posted By on September 26, 2021

Which makes sense since it is Fall.

Caroline came home this weekend to attended one of her best friend’s birthday party. It has been nice having her here even if it is for a short time. Her cat Figaro was so happy to see her. 

I have several things I need to do today and a few I want to do. I think I will make a list and just start working through it.

If you have Disney + and you like Star Wars and Anima, I can highly recommend Star Wars Visions to you. We are about halfway through the series and it is amazing.

We are enjoying What If as well. It is based on the Marvel comic series where one event that made our heroes is changed leading to another reality. It is also Chadwick Boseman last performances as T’Challa.

I think half our TV watching is original programming on various services.

We can no longer say there is nothing to watch.

Yesterday at work I got to play Superwoman since I can lift the heavy stuff. Today I can feel it in my arms and upper chest. Not painful more I know that I worked out my upper body. I like helping people figure out how to do their projects and give them tips and short cuts. It is using all the knowledge about crafting I have accumulated over the years. It keeps my mind nimble. 

I don’t have to go back to work until Tuesday which gives me two days to catch up on several things. As we head back into the busy season, I am getting more hours  and I am grateful for them.

Today I must finish the revamp of two of my resumes. I am crossing my fingers that this will all work out to my advantage.

Peter is going to start up But I Digress on his Patreon page. More on that soon.

I am grateful for all the opportunities I have in my life.

Birthdays today make me happy and sad

Posted By on September 25, 2021

There are two actors that I know personally who share this day as their Birthday.

One is Mark Hamill who is a friend of the family and all around great guy.

Peter introduced me to Mark and his lovely wife Marilou at a San Diego Comic Con while we were still dating. 

Probably my best Mark story is from when I was working at Del Rey. 

We were making the cover for one of the books in the Star Wars: The New Jedi Order series. Luke Skywalker was the prominent character on the cover. 

The art department was having a bit of an issue getting Lucas Films to sign off on the cover. They had used aging software to make Luke look the age he would be in the book but it didn’t look right.

I figured out that Mark was the same age as Luke at that point. I called Marilou and she sent me a current headshot of Mark.

The art department used that photo for Luke’s face and sent it off for approval.

They, yet again, got notes about Luke’s face to which they replied that then Lucas Films needed to go tell Mark Hamill he doesn’t look like Luke Skywalker anymore.

The cover was approved with no more notes.

The other is Christopher Reeve who I met when I was stage managing at the Williamstown Theater festival. I got to spend time with him because one of the cast members in my show, Stephanie Zimbalist, was good friends with him.

Chris held a beginning of the season party at his house just outside Williamstown. It was a very pleasant to just meet everyone in a casual setting with horses whinnying in the background. I ended up playing pool with George Wendt who turned out to be a bit of a pool shark.

I was stage managing “The Baby Dance” by Jane Anderson in the black box which is under the mainstage. 

It is about a dirt poor woman named Wanda who is living in a trailer with her husband and four children. She is pregnant with her fifth child and answers a baby wanted ad from a rich Hollywood power couple to give the child a better life than she could. Rachel is desperate to be a mother and tries to micromanage Wanda’s pregnancy which doesn’t go over well with Wanda’s husband Al. Richard, Rachel’s husband, is trying to make Rachel happy but is not sure about any of this.

One evening we were working on a rewrite of a very sensitive scene between Wanda and Al.  We were putting it in that night which is why we were rehearsing.  There was a matinee that day of “Death takes a Holiday”. 

Now there was a steel door behind our stage that led to the scene shop. We could hear if someone was working in the shop. The crew knew we were rehearsing so they had cleared out to the other shop. 

We were working when we hear the sounds of someone warming up in the shop.  The person had strong lungs because the steel door was reverberating with the sound.

I had two assistants Yee, who was from China, and Martin. I sent Yee to ask politely for the person to go elsewhere. She came back and said she couldn’t do it. So, I sent Martin on the same task. He came back and said, “This one is all your Boss.”

I go around to the shop and find Chris warming up in the shop.

I worked my way into his line of vision. He stopped what he was doing.

I told him we were rehearsing for this evening’s show and his warm-up was echoing through our space.

Chris had seen the play, so he understood what I was talking about.

I will always remember the pouty face I got as he said, “Where should I go warm up?”

I think he got away with a lot of stuff with that face.

“I don’t know Chris. How about you ask your stage manager if the white room is available?”

He smiled and said, “Ok” then bouncing up the stairs to the main floor.

I came back and said, “Solved” then we went on with rehearsal.

Happy Birthday to Mark and Chris. Two true gentlemen.

I am grateful for my time with Chris and Mark.

Chaos Rules or as we call it Friday

Posted By on September 24, 2021

Things are coming into focus for the weekend. 

Caroline is coming for a short visit.

I have a list a mile long that needs to be done and I am working on Saturday.

The cats are working out the pecking order.

And I am, honestly, waiting for things to change.

After no change last year or rather radical change because of COVID-19 then a bone crushing sameness, it feels like the world is starting to pick up its pace again.

One of the people I was re-introduced to after about thirty years at DragonCon was Steve Jackson. That was so nice. I have played Steve Jackson games since he started producing them.

Peter has a busy convention schedule for October and then things calm down for him.

Caroline is working out how college works and seems happy about the freedom she has within her classes.

I have several ideas I want to try creatively. First is to finish the short story I owe Keith.

And I need to dust off my editorial resume so think good thoughts for me.

I am grateful for chance encounters that later lead me down interesting paths.

Happy 65th Birthday to my Husband Peter

Posted By on September 23, 2021

Today my husband hits one of those random milestone ages.

We celebrated by going to Ihop for his once a year treat and then to the comic book store to pick up our comics.

The rest of the day is going to be rather quiet. I am going to bakery to pick up his cake and a couple of other errands that need to be done.

I have spent 23 years with him. We were convention friends before that.

I love him more every day. 

He is a good father to his daughters.

He is a good husband to me.

We know each other so well by this point, a lot gets done without words.

He knows when I need my space and doesn’t crowd me.

I know when he needs me as a sounding board.

He encourages me to be my best and believe in me even when I don’t and I try to do the same from him.

Happy Birthday to My Dear Husband. I love you 3000.

I am both grateful and lucky that I have Peter in myself.

Monday Mental Health DragonCon 2021

Posted By on September 13, 2021

I needed DragonCon this year. 

I wanted to see my friends and family.

I wanted to see my parents and their new home. I wanted to hug them and talk to them in person. That was the longest I have ever gone not seeing them in person and that sucked. We stayed connected through Zoom and phone calls and Facetime

It was all I wanted and a bag of chips.

I got to spend time catching up with old friends and made some new ones.

Hugs I got a lot of them, and it was so nice to be able to hug my friends.

It did a lot for my mental health. 

We did take precautions. We were masked. 

Caroline joined us Friday night and left on Monday. It was lovely to have her there. She had a blast. She also had fun telling people who have known her since she was ten months old that she is now eighteen and in college. The expressions of disbelief were amazing.

It felt normal for the most part and that helped my mental state so much.

I am so very grateful we were able to go to DragonCon.