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Kathleen David's weblog

Happy Birthday to Dr. Donald O’Shea

Posted By on November 14, 2023

Aka my Dad.

Today is one of those more important numbered birthdays in my mind.

My father is a prime example of success in achieving the American dream. 

Child of immigrants, he had to work hard for every gain in his life.

And work he did at all kinds of things however from an early age his love was science, and he had the brain for it.

He has a PhD from Johns Hopkins and did his post doc work at Harvard. He taught at Georgia Tech along with his research. He has a couple of patents in his name along with textbooks and a lot of papers in various journals.

He married my mother when both were at OSU (I refuse to use the ‘the’).

They had four children with very different personalities and skills. There is a running joke that if we put our brain trust together, we could try take over the world! 

My father taught us so many things. From the fine arts to shop safety to photography. The list is very long. He also taught by example showing us how we should treat people with respect and dignity. There was no do as I tell you rather than what I do in our household.

He taught us to be honest and if you make a promise, then you keep it. I knew if he said that he would do something with me later, it was going to happen.

His whistle was known all over the neighborhood as the signal that the O’Shea children were to come home ASAP.

I knew where I stood with him. I still do.

He is a good father and a great grandfather to his grandchildren. I always love watching him with them.

My love of puns was kindled by him.

I would not be the person I am today without him. I know he has my back and I have his shoulder to cry on if needed.

I could not ask for a better one.

I am grateful that my father took the time to show me the world.


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