No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

My First Blog Entry of 2023

Posted By on February 1, 2023

First of all, not dead 

But a lot has happened since I last typed on these blogs.

On November 22, 2022, Peter lost the strength in his legs and arms and was taken to a hospital.

On November 23, 2022, he had a heart attack but the hospital was the right place to be and they revived him.

On December 11, 2022, he had major but life-saving surgery.

Since then he has been in a re-habilitation center working on getting his limbs to cooperate.

He is scheduled to come home soon. It will a big relief and a big change. 

He is working hard to get himself back up and moving.

I am surviving. I am making a lot of decisions really quickly and have to get things done. 

My job is being very patient with me and I am very grateful.

Caroline started her 2nd semester as a sophomore. Think good thoughts for her as she tries to get into the program she wants to get into.

So there in a nutshell is what is going on. 

I have missed this.

I am grateful that Peter is getting the help he needs.


2 Responses to “My First Blog Entry of 2023”

  1. VĂ­ctor Solanas says:

    I read your entry in the spanish magzine Dolmen, I hope Peter will be fine and happy. I saw that you were thinking of offering to read writer’s manuscripts but I couldn’t find anything about it. If you still have the idea, I’d be interested. My best wishes.

  2. Kestra says:

    I have just found your blog after looking for some Information on one of my favourite writers, Peter David. His books were – and still are – so inspiring to me, I’ve always wanted to write with his style Engaging, compelling but always with a sense of humour.

    I had no idea he was ill. I hope Peter is well again soon. I know what it is like to have an ill husband (that was my 2022) and how difficult it can be at time to remain positive for the sake of everyone else.

    Sincere good wishes to you, to Peter and to your family.

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