No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Happy Birthday to my Husband Peter David 66 years old today

Posted By on September 23, 2022

More soon on my ‘radio silence’;

But today is a day to celebrate the life and achievements of Peter David.

This year Peter is adjusting to a lot of things new in his life.

The biggest is having to go on dialysis for his kidneys which are slowly failing. 

He has adjusted to what need to be done. He learned how to take care of his machine and how to set it up of and run his night time dialysis.

Health concerns have taken up a lot of time this past year.  These things are necessary for Peter’s health along with mine.

My mind has been in stress mode for more time than I care count.  I am under a doctor’s help, and it helps.  But the stress is still there. Peter has been my rock through all this.

So today is going to be fun. We have a list/schedule for the day. Caroline is joining us for a couple days. We are all looking forward to it.

Peter’s body may have some issues, but his mind is still that amazing wonderland it has always been.

Dear Peter,

This year has had its up and downs. I feel like we are on a roller-coaster of life.

This does not diminish my love for you. If anything, it has brought us closer.

We are always there for each other and have each other’s backs.

We are a team.

You make me laugh. You listen to my rants about various things. You are there for me. 

Today we have things planned. Caroline is coming home to celebrate too.

Happy Birthday my love and many more.




One Response to “Happy Birthday to my Husband Peter David 66 years old today”

  1. J. Smith. says:

    Happy *belated, sir.
    {*Yes, I know it was EXTREMELY belated. My apologies.}
    I was just reflecting a couple of weeks back that I’ve been reading {and TRULY ENJOYING} your work since ’92.
    IMMEDIATELY after that, I was STUNNED. It CAN’T have been THIRTY years already!
    Chronology aside, I’ve been enjoying your creativity for EVERY DAY of the aforementioned three decades.
    (And also YOURS, Mrs. David! Not quite as long, but I’ve greatly enjoyed your writing, as well!)
    I hope the both of you enjoy your week.
    (Bye {for now}.) ?

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