No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Home Alone

Posted By on July 8, 2022

Because the Passport Office is a real pain.

Peter and Caroline are at the Montreal ComicCon and I am not due to my passport expiring right before we were going to go.

We tried to get it renewed ASAP but it didn’t arrive in a timely fashion. In fact I am still waiting for it to show up.

I am home with the cats and the house to myself.

This means I can get some cleaning projects done and finish some puppets for Shoreleave.

It also means that I have a couple of days that the only person I am responsible for is me.

It is a strange feeling.

I have an idea for the puppets where I create an environment and take photos then sell the photos for money.

But it is still in the planning stages.

I am grateful Caroline and Peter had no problems getting to the convention≥


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