No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Changing my mind

Posted By on June 12, 2022

I tend to get set in my ways. 

I have good habits and bad habits.

The past couple of years have been a health rollercoaster and not only because of COVID.

I have habits I need to change, and I am actively working on them.

I don’t like the limitations my body has right now and every day. I am learning how to deal with them and hoping that nothing new is going to pop up..

I find myself frozen trying to figure out what to do first. I have found that a list considering what else is going on seems to be the best thing for me.

Like this morning, I know we have rain coming in, so I need to get the cat boxes done before it starts to rain. The rest of WHAT MUST BE DONE are interior jobs. 

My limitations today are my legs. My left Achille’s tendon is hurting still. I can’t stand on it for any length of time without pain when I pick it up. Right knee is acting up because my balance is off and the weather.

I will do what I can and not beat myself up for what I cannot get done. That is honestly what I have been working on.

The other habit I would like to break is the amount I am on my electronics. The exception is when I am writing like this blog or stories or looking at reference for a project I am working on.

I must break down what I need to get done when since July is the month of conventions and I owe some puppets to people. Plus, I want a jump on DragonCon.

I am grateful for still have the ability to make myself a better person.


2 Responses to “Changing my mind”

  1. Tom Keller says:

    Good luck, Kathleen.

    Hey, for some reason I can’t read a lot of your posts. They have an “OBJ” in front of their titles, and when I click on them the site says that the post doesn’t exist. Any idea what’s going on?

  2. Tom Keller says:

    Here’s exactly what it says:

    I’m Sorry, This Page Does Not Exist 🙁
    You’re receiving this error because the page you are looking for no longer exists on this website.

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