No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog


Posted By on February 25, 2022

Before my entry this day, I would like to thank everyone who helped with the Kickstarter. Those behind the scenes and all those who supported the project. 

Hey, keep pushing it. I have read it and it is a great anthology with a variety of stories.

Now onto the entry after two cups of coffee.

Although we have Peter on a form of dialysis that will allow him to travel, there are still limitations we have to follow to the letter.

If we do this, then there will be no complications and life will care on.

One slip up, and bad things will happen like sepsis.

I would like to give a public “Hip Hip Hoory” to Peter who is making the changes he needs in his diet to help him. It has not been easy, but he knows what is at stake,

There are other changes as well. We have to make sure we have a sterile space to work in. This is going to be a bit change for the cats because they are uses to being in most of the rooms. This puts a kibosh on them sleeping with us.

The next day or so will be about getting the room ready as I have to clean all the corners.

I feel like I am behind the eight-ball and about to be slammed into the corner pocket.

Doesn’t look like I got the last two jobs I applied for. It is sad for me because I know I would rock either of them or both.

I still enjoy my time at Michael’s craft store, and I have both taught and learned a lot about crafts.

I have decided to take half an hour a day for me. Destress for a bit.

I have some physical limitations which I am trying to help through yoga and stretching. I have learned to move every body part I can before I get out of bed. Gets the joints moving before standing up. It has helped my right knee a lot.

Time limitations are a bugaboo of mine. I either get it bang on or I get nibbled tto death by the time sink ducks. I prefer it when I have some time at the end for those last minute things that show up.

Today I have an actual list that I hope to be able to finish by dinner time,.

Let’s see what pops up and thwart me.

I am grateful for anything I do that gets done.


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