No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Merry Christmas Y’all 2021 Edition

Posted By on December 29, 2021

I feel the need to reflect on the year.

Was it better than 2020? Marginally for me.

I was happier once I was vaccinated. I was happier when I could walk around without a mask.

Then came Delta and Omicron and we are back to everyone wearing masks indoors. This still doesn’t. sit well with me. The Selfish are making life hard for the rest of us and killing people in the process. 

There was a NYTimes article that pointed out people with conditions that need hospitalization like sepsis are being denied beds to the point that when they do get a bed, it is too late for something that could have been cured a few days earlier. They should be in the COVID stats as well. They might not have died of COVID, but they died because of COVID.

I told Peter at this point we should have unvaccinated hospitals and vaccinated hospitals. Then there would be beds for those who did man up and take the shot(s). The exception on that would be people who have a REAL medical reason for not getting the shot like severe allergies or a condition that prevents one for getting the vaccine.

Creatively I had my ups and downs including a depressive period when nothing would come together for me. That was very frustrating. Then there was a period when I had no energy which continued the frustration. I came to peace which that when I realized how much I was working in a week at my job.

There were times that my mind was in creative overdrive. I had a gig fixing some puppets for a play in New York. I made a marionette for one of Caroline’s friends based on their drawing for a film project. There were other things I worked on and got to the next point. My list is still as long if not longer at this point and I plan on witling it down next year. 

We lost a number of friends this year including Mira Furlan. Each one hurts.

Most of my year has been working at any of my jobs with Michael’s clocking the most hours. I still love my job. I became permanent part time before my seasonal contract was up. That job keeps my mind nimble, and I rarely look at what the time is. I set up alarms to remember when my breaks are and when I am supposed to leave. It is a good group that I work with. We are diverse and have many accomplishments among us.

I attended my arts brunch this year after more than a year off. We did Zoom meetings, but it is not the same. I look forward to more in person meetings in the near future.

I did a lot in this year, but I never think it is enough.

I have a couple of ideas on how to combat idleness that I am going to put in place next year.

I also need to set a gym schedule. I have been going but it has been rather random and not consistent enough for me.

I am grateful for things that made me happy this past year.


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