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Kathleen David's weblog

MMHCI It is OK to have bad days

Posted By on November 15, 2021

It doesn’t matter what your mental health is, we all have bad days.

Those days seem to come out of nowhere and bite us on the rump.

How we deal with them is a very personal choice.

There was a time that I reacted to these sorts of days very badly. I felt like curling up in a ball and letting the world forget I exist.

As my mental health improved, my reaction to bad days changed. 

One thing I learned about myself is that when I cry a lot of times it is because I am not sad but angry and have no way to express this anger.

Now I go to the gym and work out or clean something or fix something. I channel my energy into that.

Bad days can be a drain on your limited mental resources that are already strained because of the stress you are under.

I don’t think I know one unstressed person right now. The pandemic has put everyone on edge, and we are waiting for the next shoe to drop. Feeling safe to be out in a crowded public area does not exist for me.

I have an appointment for my booster and flu shot. Next my shingles shot(s) since I had chickenpox when I was a child. I am so glad that Caroline was vaccinated against it and never had to experience that itch.

But every cough is disturbing.

I put on my mask at work because I was coughing due to glitter, fake snow, and strong smells which triggered the cough and a nasty post-nasal drip down my throat, and I wanted the customers to be comfortable around me.

Bad days can be a drag. Try to remember a good day and that there will be good days again.

It can be hard to do, but I believe in you.I am grateful for things that mitigate my bad days and help my mental health.


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