No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Happy Thanksgiving 2021

| November 25, 2021

What a difference a year makes. Last year we were tentatively getting back together to celebrate. This year we feel much more comfortable for a gathering with friends and family. We are not out of the wood, but I think the trees are getting thinner. I am thankful for so many things this year. After […]

MMHCI It is OK to have bad days

| November 15, 2021

It doesn’t matter what your mental health is, we all have bad days. Those days seem to come out of nowhere and bite us on the rump. How we deal with them is a very personal choice. There was a time that I reacted to these sorts of days very badly. I felt like curling […]

Happy Birthday to My Da 2021 Edition

| November 14, 2021

Today is my father’s birthday. He is in his eighties but still very active. He does the New York Times crossword puzzle every day and is very good at it.  My parents sold their house and moved to a condo last year which was still under strict COVID-19 restrictions as was more of the city. […]

Veterans’ Day 2021

| November 11, 2021

Today we put those who have served our country front and center. We recognize their sacrifices and celebrate their good deeds. One of the places I go to lunch has a Veterans meet up on Monday. The one WW2 vet passed from COVID last year. There are a number of people who served in Vietnam […]

RTBTCKI “Pain is an old friend”

| November 10, 2021

I have a rare two days in a row off before I work nine days in a row. I plan to figure out what is going on with my knee this time. I know that I had another baker cyst behind my right knee and that seem to resolve when I had a bit of […]