No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Crafty Tuesday DragonCon Bots and Costumes

Posted By on October 5, 2021

DragonCon is a place where there are certain constants.

Robots for example. You learn where to go to see the bots play. The two main places are the lobby of the Hyatt and in Marriott in front of the puppetry track rooms.

The work that goes into these robots is amazing. The creativity is off the charts.

First time I crossed the Hyatt lobby heading for the bridge to the Marriott, I saw these two bots rolling around. 

(For the VI: I am in the middle wearing a black t-shirt with the eye of Agamotto on it with black pants and shoes and a white mask. On my right is a droid with an orange color head with blue “eyes” and a white body with black accents.   On my left is a droid with an R2-D2 body and a head with red flaps on top pointing up. The head is white and looks like it has three eyes.)

Here is another classic robot K-9 from Doctor Who. Constantine got a little bit of a ride on him.

(For the VI: Constantine the puppet is wearing a cream colored trenchcoat, a white shirt, and a red tie. He is on a K-9 which is a grey dog shaped robot with antenna for ears and a red plate for the eyes. I am the same except I changed to my Grogu mask.)

Then there is the freeform robot parades that just pop up.

(for the VI: In the background is the same orange headed droid as the first picture. To the left of it is BB-8 in a little wagon. In front of them is a black ‘mouse’ droid as we call it. In the very front is a DUM-series pit droid on a four wheel buggy.)

It is not all Star Wars bots. Occasionally you run into Pixar’s Wall-E in all his glory. This one could turn into a cube and the driver could also interact with the children in real time which was amazing. Constantine and Wall-E had a conversation as Wall-E tried to figure out what a puppet was. Very amusing.

(For the VI: This is Pixar’s Wall-E. He is a yellow robot with big eyes that look like binoculars that extend from his body.)

That’s the robot portion of this show.

Next time costumes I liked.

I am grateful for the creativity of the robot engineers at DragonCon.


One Response to “Crafty Tuesday DragonCon Bots and Costumes”

  1. Tom Keller says:

    Holy crap! It’s Skippy, the jedi droid!

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