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Kathleen David's weblog

Happy Birthday to my Brother Sean 2021 editions

Posted By on August 28, 2021

This is going to be short since I am up to my waist in puppet parts and Sean is getting ready for DragonCon. We are both a little busy.

Sean is a big believe in family both his blood relatives and his chosen family.

I have seen him go a long way to help or make someone happy.

This past week, he helped Caroline get her resume in order so she can apply for jobs in the city to supplement her income.  He got her to see how she could use her eclectic work experience to present a young lady who knows what she is doing.

He has overcome some adversity this year. He worked out what he needed to do and then executed his plan.

And that’s Sean. Doesn’t work out one way, his brain goes through ideas until he can solve his problem. 

I really understand that since my brain works the same way.

We encourage each other and give information and solutions or new ways of looking at something. 

Happy Birthday to my amazing brother.

I look forward to seeing you next week and I am sure you are looking forward to. getting yet another part of your shop back.

I am both grateful and proud to be your sister.


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