No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

A week until DragonCon 2021 starts

Posted By on August 26, 2021

I have a lot to do in that time. Like I do every year.

I have a plan and now I am going to execute it.

Of course, waiting to see what comes along this round to slow me down.

For those going to DragonCon, the cell phone number hasn’t changed in over twenty years. 

Peter has a table in artist alley and there will be puppets for sale there.

Caroline will be joining us Saturday and Sunday since she has class late Friday and has to get back Monday.

I will be doing my usual panels and judging the workmanship contest. I am also going to talk about Big Finish on the Brit Track in the Hilton. “So you want to make a puppet” is on Monday at 10 AM on the puppet track in the Mariotte.

I am looking forward to seeing old friends and making some new ones.

I am grateful for time to get this done.


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