No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

I believe in Personal Responsibility

Posted By on August 25, 2021

My parents taught me by word and example to take responsibility for my actions.

Online I stand behind what I say and would say it out loud in a group or to an individual. 

I do not hide behind a username or a created persona with one exception that involves the writing of fanfic.

I have taught Caroline to take responsibility for her actions and the difference between what she did and what happened that she had no control over. She tends to take the world on her shoulders.

I got the vaccine because I am responsible for my health and not being a super spreader to my family and friends.

I take my medication that the doctors have given me to help my health both physically and mentally. I exercise for the same reason.

If I am in good shape, I can do more for me and others.

Some have been calling this behavior “adulting” or acting like an adult.

I don’t like that term. 

It does have its uses and I have friends who have used it in a humorous manner.

But some people have taken this phrase and made it their mantra. They expect a pat on the back and a ‘good job’ when they do things that are commonplace like paying their bills on time or going to work.

I do understand that praise makes one feel better. I have a problem when one expects it for everything they do.

Taking responsibility is important. 

Blaming others seems to be the default that people fall back on when they don’t want to admit they screwed up or are wrong.  

And that makes me frustrated and angry along with a little bit of sad.

Those who are adults should act like adults not teenagers with extra hormones.

However, I do firmly agree with something that was said on Doctor Who by Tom Baker, “There is no point being grown-up if you can’t be childish…sometimes.”

I am grateful for balance in all things.


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