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Kathleen David's weblog

A Reminder: It is OK to Not Be OK

Posted By on August 18, 2021

There is a lot going on in the world that makes me sad, mad, and angry.

The same is going on around me where I live.

The Delta variant had put a big spanner in the works and those who decide to not get the vaccine, rather than the small percentage of the population who cannot get the vaccine, are sliding us back to where we were a year ago.

I have taken to wearing a mask at work and when I am indoors anywhere but my home. I want to keep my family safe. We are vaccinated but this variant can cause havoc.

I enjoyed not wearing a mask for the short time.  Now, I have to protect my family and friends.

The reason I am back in a mask does have a lot to do with a percentage of the population who probably just dump their shopping carts anywhere in the parking lot. 

Selfish is the word that comes to mind first. 

And it is just showing us how many people are still in the mindset of the characters from “Wall Street”.

They do not think of others. There is only them and what they want. Which means they are not thinking of their families either. They are putting their relatives and especially their children at risk.

And that just floors me.

I made dámņ sure that I kept Peter and Caroline safe. I haven’t seen my folks in almost two years now. I am frustrated that every time it seems that we have turned a corner, there is something that is extending this national nightmare. 

We were scheduled to go to a convention in Orlando but had to cancel due to Florida’s COVID rate.  

Then there is Afghanistan. It is a sad ending to a terrible tale that has been in the making for a very long time. 

I worry about what is going to happen to the women there and the people who helped the United States fight the Taliban.

Also, the Taliban said one thing then does another. For all their sweet promises, what they are doing in the field says a lot more about what Afghanistan will be.

Other sad fact is that, here in the US, we are more likely to be killed by a domestic terrorist than a foreign one or shot by someone with a gun because they had a bad day.

This is a high stress period in our world.

Not being OK with what is going on is fine. It is, honestly, healthy to feel this.

I am going through my feelings and letting them wash over me. I am not classifying them as bad or good but just things I need to deal with.

I am grateful for the mental tools I have learned over the years.


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