No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

MMMHCI Processing a Life Event

Posted By on August 16, 2021

And getting my keyboard to behave. Right now, my space bar and my ’s’ key are fighting me.

I know Caroline will be coming home this week for a couple of days to see friends and get a few things she left behind.

Right now, I am in a vert quiet house. I expect to hear Caroline get out of bed since her bedroom is over the living room. I do know intellectually that she is at her new digs. It is going to take some time to adjust.

The cats are a bit confused. Fig, Caroline’s cat, either hangs close or hides. I have been trying to give Fig a little more attention on her terms,

I am starting to get ready for DragonCon. This is one of our biggies for the year.

It is something I can focus on around work and other things.

I know I have six puppets for the slam and another three I want to get to have at the convention. They will be at Peter’s table.

Over the weekend we had to put in a new air conditioner in the basement. The old one was a Kenmore and over 30 years old. I have the bruising to prove it. The difference in weight between the two machines was amazing considering that they were both made for the size room they are in.

I have a few things I want to get done before going to work. I have a slightly different shifts than I normally do.

There has been a lot of adjustment over the past year and a half.

This is just another one. And it is one that I feel good about.

I am so proud of my daughter. She got into her dream school. She found a place to live. She got herself ready to move. She is an adult and shows me how much of one each and every day.

I am grateful to feeling that I can let my daughter spread her wings and  fly.


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