No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

MMHCI Some stressors are less stressful.

Posted By on July 12, 2021

Over the weekend we found an alternative apartment for Caroline if she does not get on campus housing. It is a lovely apartment. The owner is an amazing person with one heck of a career that continues. The doggies are all rescues and very loving. In other words, we found her a safe and beautiful space that would work well for her.

I got the watercooler replaced and functioning. The old one finally gave up the ghost. What I am loving is that the bottle in the bottom rather than on the top.

Peter’s big surprise for me is a new dishwasher after our old one just fell apart. I have a lovely/horrifying bruise on my foot where the door slammed on it. 

Today we are getting back into costuming as I have Caroline here until the end of the week and then she is off to Florida for beach week with my parents. I need her body to fit clothing and some accessories. I can do the finishing when she is out of the house.

Mentally I am doing OK. Not perfect but I don’t strive for perfection rather feeling even and secure in myself.

Another thing I did this weekend was visit some friends I haven’t seen since before covid. It was a pleasant afternoon of food and friendship and hugs.  It did a lot for my mental health.

Now I want to make time to see more friends and reconnect.

I am now going to start the list and check it twice to see what I can get done.

I am grateful for pleasant time with friends.


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