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Kathleen David's weblog

Is it Inky Fur or Spider Web?

Posted By on June 12, 2021

Inky is our long hair cat with a very thick under coat. I try to brush her every other day to keep her fur from matting up. 

I was picking Inky fur off my pants when I realized I had just pulled off a spider web that was there probably from going outside this morning.

I have a lot to do and less time than I think I have including a make-up test.

I am going to start with one and work to the next.

Our dishwasher gave up the ghost. The door springs went first but I found way around that. Now it is leaking water. Unless I can figure out that problem, I am handwashing the dishes for a while.

If it is not one thing then it is another.

Crafty Tuesday will be all about the build for the Wrath of Khan.

My hip seems to have sorted itself out. This makes me happy.

I am grateful for mental gymnastics.


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