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Kathleen David's weblog

Posted By on June 3, 2021

Mewlan was the most skittish cat we have ever adopted. She had a rough life before she came to our house. It has taken years, but she now comes to me for pets and doesn’t run away when I walk by her. She curls up next to me when I am on the couch and falls asleep. It has taken a lot of patience to get to this point. It has been worth it.

I am really enjoying Star Wars: The Bad Batch. The idea was original and the episodes have been solid. I am also looking forward to Loki.

Mental health is better this week. Going to a convention helped me a lot. Helped Caroline too. Peter had a blast and made a lot of fans happy.

It is amazing and not surprising at the same time how much pain can affect one’s mood. My good and bad days right now are dependent on how well I can move. I am doing everything I can to mitigate the pain but it can come out of nowhere as I turn to get something and almost fall down because my body objects through pain. Also, I hate pain sweats.

Work was fine. We got done as much as we could in the time allotted. On the plus side it was a small truck this week which allowed us to get further on getting things on the floor on truck day.

I now have a couple of days to catch up on everything that hasn’t been done since we left for PensaCon. Making it a laundry, clean the house, and cat box day. I hope to get the cat boxes done before the rain starts again.

I might take a break and try to finish a puppet or two. I have so many ideas and so little time. 

If it is raining when Caroline gets home, we will work on her costumes.

I should get started on the day.

Take care of yourself and give yourself some love. You deserve it.

I am grateful for co-workers who help each other.


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