No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

So close yet so far

Posted By on May 29, 2021

I am a vaccinated individual. I have a card to prove this.

We are at a crossroads right now. If we are sensible and continue to get vaccinated, then we can achieve herd immunity.

I don’t have to wear a mask at work if there are no customers in the store. Once they come in, I don’t have to wear one, however I feel more comfortable doing so especially when working as a cashier.

I now can choose when I wear a mask unless the establishment has a rule about masks.

I am not wearing them outside when Caroline and I go on walks and the like. I have one in my pocket if need be.

I am sad that there are countries that are crying for the vaccine, and we have to bribe people to get vaccinated. The selfishness of people in this country is awful. 

And then there is the misinformation campaign about the vaccine. I have heard all kinds of stupidity about why someone won’t get vaccinated. ‘It came together too quickly’. No, rather than following the linier path, they were able to put things on top of each other to move things forward. Is that the perfect way to create a vaccine? Possibly not but people were dying at a rate we have never seen and we needed a vaccine to save people.

Then there are the crazy reasons like microchips that can track us. We have those, it is called our cell phones and our GPS systems. 

Some of the things I have been reading about what is in the vaccine are really insane. What was in vaccines back in the day like cow pox being used to fight smallpox is not what happens for the most part. 

The vaccine causes one’s body to create antibodies that keeps one from dying from COVID 19. There are a small percentage that can still get COVID as Bill Maher can attest to. However, because he had the vaccine, his symptoms were mild and considering how much weed he smokes that vaccine probably saved his life.

At Pensacon, they took the CDC guidelines very seriously. They had hand sanitizer all over the place. They enforced masks over noses and mouth.  Social distance was marked out on the floor. All the celebrities had shields in front of them. And the attendees were following the rules. Occasionally I saw a volunteer asked someone to pull their mask up.

And props to all the volunteers. They were all professional and helpful. It was a great group to work with. 

The people running the convention worked very hard to make it fun for everyone. The logistics this year were a nightmare due to the damage they are still fixing from Hurricane Sally. But they got people where they needed to go to see panels and demonstrations safely.

I am grateful for everyone who is fully vaccinated.


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