No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Mother’s Day 2021

Posted By on May 9, 2021

Years ago, when I was stage managing regularly, I had an actor tell me that any children I had would be very lucky because I was such a mom.

I had a hard thought about what they said. I was a bit of a mother hen when it came to my cast and crew. I made sure that they had a safe place to work on the show. I took care of them.

My nurture insistence is strong. I want to encourage people to do their best and try new things to expand their world. If I can help, I will. I believe in people and their abilities even if they don’t. 

Caroline sometimes calls me Mama Bear because she knows I am protective of her and will step up when someone hurts my child.  She knows I have her back and I am in her corner.

One thing that this pandemic did for my relationship with Caroline is bring us closer together. We walk every day and talk about all kinds of things. I have learned a lot from these conversations about her hopes and dreams and disappointments.

I think I have always had mothering instincts. It shows in my compassion and willingness to help Others.

On this Mother’s Day I reflect on what it means to be a mom.

I am grateful to all the women who taught me to be a good mother but especially my mom.


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