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Kathleen David's weblog

RTBTCKI My Driveway is Yellow

Posted By on May 3, 2021

Right now, the village has a layer of yellow pollen on it. 

Thank goodness for allergy pills.

I would call yesterday a bit of a wash. I got things done but not as much as I hoped I would. 

Today is another day and I have a plan…OK half a plan.

Mental health is sort of in neutral right now. I am not feeling much. I am in doing mode. When I get into that mindset, then I put feelings to the bottom of my stomach and leave them there for a bit. I think the word numb describes me right now.

I want some forward movement in something today. 

I am dealing with my nails splitting. It has to do with what I am doing with my hands. I need to cut them really short to even them up and start growing them again. Since I stopped biting them, they have been harder to maintain.

Today I am going to start with some loose ends before moving on to the next project on my list.

Aaand there is another thing added to the list.

I am grateful for anything I get done today.


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