No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Look For the Union Label

Posted By on April 30, 2021

I am a Union Member. I belong to the Actor’s Equity Association.

I believe in the good that unions can do.

I am not happy with all the union busting that I see going on along with policies that were specifically created to reduce the power of unions.

Unions are important. They have done so much for the common worker.

That break you get? Thank a Union. Overtime? Union. Forty-hour work week? Union. Safe practices within the workplace? Union. Insurance? Union. Pensions? Union.

Most of what is now normal policy in companies comes from unions working for their members.

And there is a concerted effort to keep this information out of the public eye.

Unions help create the middle class which is dying out as people are pushed into poverty by companies that could afford to pay their workers a living wage rather than rewarding corporate greed. 

There is one company that when you are hired, they give you information on how to get food stamps and other social safety net benefits rather than paying their workers thus draining a system that is to the breaking point.

And this is not limited to manufacturing and retail jobs but white collar as well.

Recently a company fighting off a union vote informed its workers that. They will have to pay 700 a year in union dues and shouldn’t they use that money for what they need.

What was not said is that a union would fight for a better wage so you would be earning your dues back plus more. And they would make sure that health and safety would be followed rather than being given lip service to.

Right to work is union busting in sheep’s clothing.

We are in the roaring 20s again. Let’s not end up with a repeat of the 30s.

I believe in unions and the power that we can wield if we work together.

Don’t let the ultra-rich tell you that you are not worth anything to them other than making them more money as you have less in your pocket.

You are worth something.

I am grateful for all unions have done for me.


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