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Kathleen David's weblog

RTBTCKI Spring Hath Sprung

Posted By on April 25, 2021

How pierceful grows the hazy yon!
How myrtle petaled thou!
For spring hath sprung the Cyclotron,
How high browse thou, brown cow?

The Hazy Yon by Walt Kelly 

I woke up to the sound of rain. It was very soothing.

I also woke up at 5 AM totally rested so I got up and started my day.

I like getting up early. It gives me time to work my way into my day and still get a lot done before the rest of the household wakes up.

Also, it keeps me on the right schedule for work.

I have been working with Mewlan to help her anxiety about people. I am working with her to get her to relax and accept pets wherever she is. I have no idea what happened to her when she was younger other than what they told us, but it has made her very paranoid about a lot of things. After three years, I have gotten to the point that I can put my hand out and if she wants pets, she comes to me.

I am really liking the Nevers. It is hitting on all cylinders for Caroline. Joss Whedon still has it. I loved the revel at the end of the first episode. I am on board for the rest of it. Yes, Whedon is currently problematic for bad behavior. I am separating the person from the work. 

Oscars are tonight. I think the only category we have seen all the films in is the animated feature.

Today is a day to get things done. I declare it so.

I am grateful for the pleasant sound of rain.


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