No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

RTBTCKI Saturday Night’s All Right

Posted By on April 24, 2021

Yesterday was a bit of a wash. Got some stuff done but not as much as I had hoped.

Today is another day and there are other tasks that need to be done.

I am a little frustrated with myself, but I am not mentally beating myself up.

Caroline is busy working on a couple of projects for her cosplay. I am amazed how fast her various skills are growing.

I have a cunning plan for a project. However, my execution is not what it should be.

In less than a week I will be fully vaccinated. I am already making a list of what I want to do.

In less than two weeks, Caroline will join the ranks of the vaccinated and she has plans too.

My mind is a bit of a whirl this morning. I am picking thoughts and ideas at random and trying to make a pattern out of the chaos.

Phoebe is obsessed with a reflected piece of light on the ceiling.

I want to make a few puppets to sell at the next convention we go to along with a puppet for one or two of the actors that will be there. I think a couple of fairy god monsters might be in order.

That and make Bob from HR. More on that when I get it done.

I have some time. I just need to use it wisely.

Falcon and the Winter Soldier finished in grand style. Marvel is two for two this year. Next is Loki which I am very much looking forward to. Eventually we will get back to the movies in the theaters. But these shows are making up for the lack of films. I do know they finished filming Doctor Strange.

I am grateful for ideas and thoughts.


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