No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

RTBTCKI Two Shots down two weeks to go

Posted By on April 23, 2021

Or rather a week for me and two for Caroline. Peter is fully vaccinated.

Then this bubble will be fully vaccinated.

I picked up an extra shift at work which was nice. I like my job and the people I am working with.

Crafty Tuesday was going to be about cosplay and the move from a niche to mainstream. I might get that one written by next Tuesday.

Phoebe is sleeping on her favorite spot in the morning. She is sunning her tummy while she sleeps. She curled up on top of me about 3 AM and was there when I woke up around 6. 

The rest of the clowder are in the dining room on their favorite spots.

I am going to take things slow today. I have a list, but I am not going to crack up about what I did and didn’t get done at the end of the day.

Disney hit it out of the park again with Falcon and the Winter Soldier. I am loving all the original programing on Disney+.

Might I recommend the Goes Wrong Show especially if you have a theater background. It is just the sort of show we need theses day. 

I am grateful for things that make me feel better.


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